An effort to rewrite Anura from the ground up using webcomponents. No jQuery, no npm, just plain ES6. Goals:

  • framework-agnostic
  • source-agnostic
  • furthermore, it should be
    • easy to integrate
    • accessible
    • responsive

Internet Explorer is NOT supported anymore. If you need that, use the jQuery one (and may god have mercy on your soul)

now also available via NPM


This is still in BETA and subject to change, no guarantees are given - deploy at your own risk.

WIP-demo currently over at


Webcomponents are declarative, so where before you needed custom Javascript, you now just:

<anura-gallery node="123"></anura-gallery>

In order to abstract away the source of your assets, the concept of adapters exists. These hold common settings (such as the locale) and know how to talk to a source (usually a DAM). They are hooked up as follows:

<some-adapter url="" locale="de"></some-adapter>
<anura-gallery adapter="some-adapter" node="123"></anura-gallery>

Note that you can update locale at runtime, and the gallery will reload itself to reflect that change.

To use multiple adapters at the same time: give them an ID like id=my-id, and refer to them as adapter="#my-id".

The same applies to hooking up different components to one another. Here's an example with a navigation tree:

<some-adapter url="" locale="de"></some-adapter>
<div style="display: flex">
    <anura-tree adapter="some-adapter" root="1337"></anura-tree>
    <anura-gallery adapter="some-adapter" search="anura-tree"></anura-gallery>

The tree is configured as the search component for the gallery, so it will now listen to navigation events and update itself.

Screenshot of anura-tree and anura-gallery side-by-side

Page Anatomy

When composing your own anura page, you will use a variety of different anura components, which you can mix-and-match alongside regular HTML as you see fit. For example:

graphic of an anura page layout

Using just 4 different anura-components, we can simply create an easy-to-use media browsing experience - anywhere in the web!

screenshot of a basic anura page

In order for this to work, we need to hook them up to one another like so (note the adapter and source attributes):

<html lang="en">
    <script type="module" src="adapters/some-adapter.js"></script>
    <script type="module" src="components/anura-*.js"></script><!-- more imports here -->
    <!-- style omitted for brevity -->
        <h1>Media Database</h1>
        <anura-basket adapter="some-adapter"></anura-basket>

    <some-adapter url=""></some-adapter>

        <anura-searchbar adapter="some-adapter"></anura-searchbar>
        <anura-select adapter="some-adapter" source="Season"></anura-select>
        <anura-select adapter="some-adapter" source="Location"></anura-select>
        <anura-select adapter="some-adapter" source="Copyright"></anura-select>
        <anura-gallery adapter="some-adapter" search="anura-searchbar,anura-select" basket="anura-basket"></anura-gallery>

Also note how components can contain other components, such as <anura-asset> inside the gallery (done automatically, unless you specify something else in that slot).

Component Anatomy

Every component usually has:

  • Attributes: HTML attributes on component-level, such as locale="de" that can be updated "live" at any time. These can either be configured, or they appear as a result of an interaction, e.g. anura-tree will update its value attribute when a node has been selected.
  • Events: Emitted (or consumed) when something interactive happens, e.g. clicking on a node anura-tree yields a node-selected-event.
  • Slots: Places to add you own HTML into the component, e.g. anura-tree has a slot for a title, so you can <anura-tree><h3 slot="title">my custom title</h3></anura-tree>.
  • Parts: Named parts of components that are available for styling, e.g. anura-gallery::part(asset-title) { color: #f00 } to make an assets title red. Note that unnamed shadow DOM objects are not styleable (by design).
  • Variables: CSS-variables allow you to specify some global default, without having to touch each part, e.g. --button-color: blue.


In the Introduction we said that we can change the locale at runtime (or any other attribute marked live: yes). Let's do that:


Example: change the locale attribute using an regular dropdown:

<some-adapter locale="de"></some-adapter>

<label for="demo">Language</label>
<select id="demo" onchange="document.querySelector('some-adapter').setAttribute('locale',">
    <option value="de" selected>Deutsch</option>
    <option value="en">English</option>


Example: change the locale attribute using an external dropdown (mat-select in this case):

<some-adapter [attr.locale]="selectedLanguage"></some-adapter>

<mat-form-field appearance="fill">
  <mat-select [(value)]="selectedLanguage">
    <mat-option value="de">Deutsch</mat-option>
    <mat-option value="en">English</mat-option>

Further reading

Breaking Changes

During the BETA phase, breaking changes will be noted here.

  • 2024-01-10 - the lightbox slots have been removed in favor of the lightbox attribute (so you can simply reference one in all components). If you've customized your lightbox, move it outside of the slot (and reference it when you have more than one)