Do It Yourself

You can also use our generalized adapters to write your own web components, if you prefer.

This section assumes some basic JavaScript know-how

1. Write your own web component


const simpleTemplate = document.createElement('template'); // define your template:
simpleTemplate.innerHTML = `
export class SimpleExample extends HTMLElement {

  constructor() {
    this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({'mode': 'open'});
    this._shadowRoot.appendChild(simpleTemplate.content.cloneNode(true)); // clone your template
    this._img = this._shadowRoot.querySelector('img'); // find elements to talk to later
    this._caption = this._shadowRoot.querySelector('figcaption');

  connectedCallback() {
    // let's ignore live updates via observedAttributes/attributeChangedCallback for brevity
    this._adapter = document.querySelector(this.getAttribute('adapter'));
    if (this.hasAttribute('asset-id')) this.#showAssetById(this.getAttribute('asset-id')); // show an asset

  #showAssetById(assetId) {
    this._adapter.loadAsset(assetId).then(asset => { // ask the adapter about said assetId
      if (asset) {
        this._img.src = asset.thumbnail;
        this._caption.innerText =;
      } else {
        this._img.src = '';
        this._caption.innerText = this._adapter.translate('resultCount0');
window.customElements.define('simple-example', SimpleExample);

All public methods of the adapters are documented in anura-adapters.js

2. Use your new component

    <script type="module" src="./anura/src/adapters/some-adapter.js"></script>
    <script type="module" src="./my/components/simple-example.js"></script>
    <some-adapter url=""></some-adapter>
    <h1>Admire your work</h1>
    <simple-example adapter="some-adapter" asset-id="1234"></simple-example>

3. Admire your work

Screenshot of the simple-example component