This extension is used for rapid downloading of all assets in the original format, based on a list of supplied asset names (e.g. part numbers of products). Alternatively, a node with all matching assets can be created instead. This node will be deleted after a defined time period. The way of matching assets may be specified in a custom method, so that a part of the name is sufficient to find assets. Before downloading or displaying of the node, a list of names for which no assets have been found is displayed. Different matchers can be specified per user group.
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
type: String, required: yes, since 1.9, default: -
License key (delivered by brix Solutions AG).
type: number, required: yes, default: -
Maximum age in minutes of collections, created by BulkDownload, that are ignored by the Cleanup Task.
type: long, required: yes, default: -
ID of the parent node of created collections.
type: string, required: yes, default: -
Group-ID and name of asset retriever to use
One of:
Custom retrievers need to implement the following interface:
package ch.brix.bulkDownload.retriever;
public interface AssetRetriever {
SearchCollection getAssets(String[] identifiers, Credentials credentials, GroupConfig config);
type: long, required: yes, default: -
Group ID and ID of the downloadformat to use
type: string, required: yes, default: -
Locale for the search in infofields are involved.
type: boolean, required: no, default: false
If enabled, a new created collection does not inherit permissions, but will have a specified role for the creating user.
type: role id, required: no, default: -
If private mode enabled, specifies which role a creating user will have on a new created collection.
type: boolean, required: no, default: false
If true user will automatically be forwarded to the newly created collection.
<bean id="customAssetRetriever" class="ch.brix.bulkDownload.retriever.TextInfofieldRetriever">
<constructor-arg name="infofieldId" value="1337"/>
bulkDownload | CELUM (min. version) |
1.0 - 1.4.5 | 5.11.4 |
1.5 - 1.9.3 | 5.12.4 |
1.9.4 - 1.15 | 5.13.3 |
1.20+ | 6.8 (tested up to 6.16) |
1.21 | 6.20 |
Released 2016-04-15
Initial Version
Released 2018-06-25
ExactMatch and StartWith Asset-Retriever added
Released 2019-01-29
Added license
Released 2021-02-05
Private mode added
Released 2021-02-16
Go to collection property added
Released 2021-06-30
ThreadPooling for better performance
Released 2021-06-30
Table with progressed task in GUI on progress page
Released 2025-02-07
Compatibility with CELUM 6.20
Released 2025-02-18
Read content of text files on upload and write it in text input field
Released 2025-03-12
Search term mode feature
© brix Solutions AG