API brix:anura

Anura API


Anura always responds in JSON using UTF-8 (application/javascript; charset=UTF-8), except for thumbnails (image/jpeg) and downloads (application/zip).

JSONP is supported through the callback parameter.

Non-JSON responses usually indicate that a fatal error has occurred outside of Anura's control. Check celum's ims.log/appserver.log in such cases for more information.


Based on the name of the dispatcher (usually anura) there are two services:

  • server.com/anura/your-endpoint/node.do - answers inqueries about node structures (folders, keywords etc.) and searches.
  • server.com/anura/your-endpoint/asset.do - answers inqueries about a specific asset (details, thumbnails, downloads).

Results are always cached on the server side for a configurable amount of time (default: 1h). Use the flush parameter to force a refresh.

The responses have also been designed to behave well when using an additional caching reverse proxy or load balancer in front of the API and will always send the appropriate Cache-Control, Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers.

Parameters you should ignore include callback, and depending on your use case also token. Furthermore you may want to listen to the cache control parameters flush (invalidates the cache) and cache (circumvents the cache for this request).


The API is public by default (and by design), so no authentication is needed. It it however possible to require authentication (see tokenVerifier), in which case you MUST pass a token either via the parameter token (...&token=mytoken) or preferably through the Authorization header (since 2.9.5), e.g. Authorization: Bearer <your-token>.


Note that the foo[]-notation for GET parameters is not supported by the server, use foo=1&foo=2 instead.

Required parameters are marked in bold

Changes in 2.0

Version 2 was developed for CELUM 5 - while it tries to be as compatible as possible, not all features are available on both platforms. The most notable change in version 2 is that every response is delivered in an envelope, e.g.

    "version": 2,
    "status": 200,
    "data": {/* result, same as in 1.x */}

This means that you always get an answer, even if something went wrong. The status code (which can't be obtained with JSONP otherwise) is also provided and set to 200 in the HTTP response when the callback parameter is set (otherwise nothing will arrive in your callback function). Additionally, the API version is specified and an optional message-parameter may be present when an error has occurred.

General parameters

  • callback (string) - response will be wrapped in a callback function for JSONP (e.g. using callback=myfunc the response is myfunc([...]) instead of just [...])
  • locale (string) - language you'd like to get the response in (e.g. "de"). Availability of languages is determined by celum, leave blank for default language.
  • flush (boolean) - "true" will flush the cache, useful for forcing an update but has a negative impact on the performance. Use with caution.
  • cache (boolean) - "false" will bypass the cache completely for this request.


Node structure

  • tree (int) - celum ID of the desired root node - supports multiple root IDs like tree=1&tree=5 to construct a virtual root node. Set to -1 to get all root nodes (enforces with_root=true; since 1.7).
  • kind (int) - Type of container (101 = folder, 102 = object collection, 103 = keyword in 1.x, see tabconfiguration.xml in 2.x)
  • depth (int) - how many levels of the structure should be loaded (useful for lazy loading in big structures) - not fully loaded nodes are indicated by having an empty "children" attribute. Values below 1 will load the entire structure (default)
  • deep_link (int) - celum ID of a selected node that lies somewhere below the requested root node, but you don't know where. The API will load that node, and return the entire sub-tree leading to said node, regardless of the specified depth.
  • with_root (boolean) - include the root node itself in the result - probably only useful in combination with a virtual root node
  • asset_count (boolean) - calculates the number of assets contained within each node. (slow in 1.x! - don't use on big trees without lazy loading)
  • noderef (boolean) - include assets in count that reference this node in a node referencing information field, since 2.1
  • recursive (boolean) - include noderefs recursively in count, since 2.1
  • infofields (list of longs, comma separated) - include certain information fields in addition to those that may be configured in nodeInfoFields (since 2.7)


[GET] server.com/node.do?tree=4123&kind=103&depth=2

  "id": 2620,
  "type": 103,
  "name": "Color",
    {"id": 2791, "type": 103, "name": "Greyscale"},
    {"id": 2792, "type": 103, "name": "RGB"},
    {"id": 2793, "type": 103, "name": "CMYK"}

Note: You can construct virtual root nodes by specifying multiple tree parameters from which that node should be constructed, i.e. tree=4123&tree=1337&tree=42

Content of nodes

  • id (int) - celum ID of the container
  • kind (int) - Type of container (101 = folder, 102 = object collection, 103 = keyword in 1.x, see tabconfiguration.xml in 2.x)
  • alt_name (int) - Information field ID to use as an alternative name (because asset names aren't localized). Note that this will make loading a bit slower.
  • recursive (boolean) - Load assets from sub-nodes as well and present them on the top level (since 2.0, acts like the enabled keyword thesaurus in 1.x)
  • noderef (boolean) - Consider node referencing information field assignments as direct assignments ("Navigation Context" in the UI)
  • also see result controls for additional parameters


[GET] server.com/anura/node.do?kind=101&id=7&alt_name=2

  {"id": 1337,"type": 1, "name": "pic_12_001.jpg", "alt_name": "This is an example"},
  {"id": 1338,"type": 2, "name": "api_demo.odt", "alt_name": "Demonstration of the API"}

Note: type is 1=image, 2=document, 3=video, 4=audio, 5=text, 0=unknown

  • search (string) - full text search, e.g. "ponies"

  • search_extensions (string[]) - search by file extension, e.g. search_extensions=png,eps

  • search_uploaded_after (string) - restrict results to assets uploaded after this date

  • search_uploaded_before (string) - restrict results to assets uploaded before this date

  • search_modified_after (string) - restrict results to assets modified after this date

  • search_modified_before (string) - restrict results to assets modified before this date

  • search_limit (int) - limit the number of search results (limited by the server's maxSearchResults)

  • search_infofield (int,mixed...[]) - search by information field value, syntax: ,[,...]. Examples:

    • text: 123,searchterm searches for the term "searchterm" in the infofield 123

    • number: 123,42 searches for the number "42" in the infofield 123

    • number range: 123,42,1337 searches for numbers between 42 and 1337 in the infofield 123

    • dropdown: 123,2 searches for dropdown item #2 in the infofield 123

    • boolean: 123,false searches for "false" values in the infofield 123

    • noderefs: 123,456,789 searches for nodes 456 or 789 in the infofield 123

    • date: 123,1970-01-01 _searches for the first of January 1970 in the infofield 123

    • various date formats are auto-detected, such as yyyy-MM-dd, dd.MM.yyyy or MM/dd/yyyy

    • jchronic-expressions such as "yesterday" are also supported

    • date range: 123,2019-01-01,2019-12-31 _searches for any day in 2019 in the infofield 123

    • open ranges can be defined using the term "null", e.g. anything before 2020 123,null,2019-12-31

      An information field query provides the possible values and properties where applicable (dropdowns, boolean, nodereference)

  • search_or_mode (boolean) - connect different search terms with OR (the default is AND)

  • search_text_or_mode (boolean) - connect fulltext search terms with OR (default, since 2.9.15)

  • search_asset_type (list of long) - asset type IDs (e.g. 3000,4000)

  • search_node (list of long) - node IDs to restrict the search to, e.g. search_node=123&search_node=987 or search_node=123,987

  • search_node_recursive (boolean) - search in subnodes as well, default is true

  • search_node_or_mode (boolean) - ORs the searched nodes (independent of search_or_mode), default is false

  • search_node_type (list of long) - node type IDs (e.g. 105,106), (since 2.7)

  • search_id (list of long) - search particular assets via their ID (since 2.6)

  • search_facets (int) - return facets (if a facet-provider is installed), 0 = disabled (default), 1 = only facets, 2 = facets and assets, since 2.6

    • facet_fields (list of string) - define which facets you're interested in to minimize the response, e.g. `facet_fields=info_123,info_456,fileExtensions
  • search_custom (string) - a custom string that gets parsed by a CustomSearchProvider, since 2.7

  • search_file_category (list of int) - search for certain file categories (1 = image, 2 = document, 3 = video, 4 = audio, 5 = text, 6 = 3D, 0 = unknown), e.g. search_file_category=2,5 . Note that this will override the search_<type> parameters such as search_image. Since 2.9.21.

  • search_folder (int) - celum ID of the folder to restrict the search to, DEPRECATED in 2.x -> use search_node search_keyword (int[]) - celum ID of the keyword to restrict the search to, multiple keywords (AND search) may be specified using search_keyword=1&search_keyword=2, DEPRECATED in 2.x -> use search_node

  • search_ (boolean) - default is true - DEPRECATED -> use search_file_category

    • search_images - show images in result,
    • search_documents - show documents in result
    • search_videos - show videos in result
    • search_audios - show audios in result
    • search_others - show others in result
  • also see result controls for additional parameters


[GET] server.com/anura/node.do?search_node=42&search=ponies

  {"id": 42, "type": 1, "name": "ponies_on_a_farm.jpg"},
  {"id": 1337, "type": 2,"name": "My favorite ponies.xls"}

Result controls

These parameters are applicable to node content and search queries

  • extended (boolean) - Provide extended info about each asset (size in bytes, modified as timestamp, extension, pages, parents, valid_until as timestamp, version, versioned as timestamp, preview_width and preview_height since 2.9), default is false
  • sort_order (string) - order search results (id, name, uploaddate, lastmodified, extension, assettype, score), since 2.2
    • since 2.9: original/originalname, size/filesize, info_{infofield-id} (Note: not all types are supported, see CELUM)
    • since 2.9.35: multiple sort orders are possible (comma-separated), e.g. sort_order=name,date&sort_order_seq=desc,asc
  • sort_order_seq (string) - order search results ascending asc (default) or descending desc, since 2.2
  • paginate (int) - Number of assets to load, i.e. page size. This will also add a total count to the response, since 2.1
  • page (int) - Which page of the pagination to load, i.e. from (page-1)*paginate to page*paginate, since 2.1
  • limit (int) - Limits the number of results (or total count) returned, even if there are actually more assets, since 2.4
  • infofields (list of longs, comma separated) - include certain information fields in addition to those that may be configured in assetInfoFields (since 2.6)

Top Downloads

  • top (int) - max. number of assets to show (e.g. for "Top 10 downloads": top = 10, max. is 100)
  • days (int) - scope to the last X days (default is 30, max. is 365)


[GET] server.com/anura/node.do?top=15&days=7

  {"id": 1337, "type": 1, "name": "pic_12_001.jpg", "alt_name": "This is an example", "downloads": 9001},
  {"id":1338, "type": 2, "name": "api_demo.odt", "alt_name": "Demonstration of the API", "downloads": 1234}


Query the related assets of a particular asset (since: 2.9.8)

  • relatations (long) - the ID of the asset you want to retrieve the relations from
  • version (long) - the version of the asset to query (defaults to the current version)
  • type (String) - the type of the relation you want to load (defaults to all relations)

[GET] server.com/anura/node.do?relations=42

  {"id": 1337, "type": 1, "name": "related.jpg", ...},
  {"id":1338, "type": 2, "name": "also_related.odt", ...}


Suggest node names based on a partial string (since: 2.9.24)

  • suggest (String) - partial string to base the suggestions on
  • kind (or nodeTypeId) (long) - which node type to consider (default: all)
  • parent (long) - which parent node ID to restrict the suggestions to
  • limit (int) - how many results to return at most (default: 10)
  • asNodes (bool) - whether to respond with entire nodes instead of just their names (since 3.0.5/2.9.47)

[GET] server.com/anura/node.do?suggest=sco

["Scorpions", "Scoliosis", "Scooby-Doo", ...]


Retrieve metadata about a single asset, but in the format that a search query would yield (since: 2.10), where you'd normally use asset.do?details=. Implicitly supports result controls as far as applicable.

  • asset (long) - the ID of the asset

[GET] server.com/anura/node.do?asset=42

{"id": 42, "type": 1, "name": "cows_on_a_farm.jpg", infofields: []}


  • about (boolean) - request system information (such as versions, languages etc.) Example:

[GET] your.server.com/anura/node.do?about=true

    "apiVersion": 2.0,
    "cacheTimeSeconds": 3600,
    "celumVersion": "5.10.3",
    "containerLanguages": ["en", "de", "fr"],
    "customFieldLanguages": ["en", "de", "fr"],
    "defaultLanguage": "en",
    "guiLanguages": ["en", "de", "fr"],
    "infoField": [{"id":148},{"id":102}],
    "nodeTypes": [
        {"id": "101", "name": "Folders", "value": "folder", "type": "permission_defining"}, 
        {"id": "103", "name": "Keywords", "value": "keyword", "type": "non_permission_defining"}
    "supportEmail": "support@brix.ch",
    "userId": 2

Note: depending on your version, not all fields may be present - this tends to grow over time.



There are two kinds of previews available (Content-Disposition=inline, Content-Type=image/jpeg). How big those are may be configured, default is: thumb 256x256px, preview 1024x1024px (maximum)

  • thumb or preview (int) - celum ID of the asset you want a thumb/preview of.

    • page (int) - which page to get a preview of (zero-based, only for documents). Since 2.8.13 this will add a header X-Pages with the number of pages that are known to exist.
    • big (boolean) - request a bigger thumb (separate parameter for backwards compatibility), since 1.7. thmb will be boosted to 1024x1024px, preview will be boosted to 3000px3000px max.
    • version (long) - request a preview of a particular version, default is current version, since 2.9
    • type (String) only with preview, alternative media formats may be available for non-images, since 2.9: pdf for documents a PDF file is available (internally "prvwsrc") for use in a PDF viewer, video or audio essentially the same as calling play or stream (see below), or 3D for whitelisted 3D formats, returns the original 3D file for preview (e.g. model-viewer.dev).
  • play or stream (int) - celum ID of the video asset to be played back, play will use celum's player and stream will return the raw file

    • autoplay (boolean) - will start playing the requested file automatically. NOTE that modern browsers have started preventing auto-play, so your mileage may vary.
    • nojs (boolean) - don't use video-js (uses plain HTML5 tags, look/functionality depends on browser)

Example: [GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?thumb=1337&img=a.jpg

Note: The &img=a.jpg part does absolutely nothing but has been added because some browsers might like to have a file extension at the end


Download Formats

First of all you'll need to get a list of the available download formats (should be done once on application launch):

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats=1

  {"name":"Originalformat","icon":"../img/icons/32x32/originalImageTargetFormat.gif","id":6, "position":1},
  {"name":"Web Format","icon":"../img/icons/32x32/webImageTargetFormat.gif","id":5, "position":2}


  • the listed formats are controlled by the setting quickDownload for compatibility with v1. To get a list of all available download formats (regardless of availability on a given asset), you can pass -1 instead (since 2.9.18). For specific assets, always use downloadformats_for if you can, as download format access is subject to permissions.
  • the icons are relative to the anura URL used and are the same ones that celum uses internally (and despite the folder name they probably have a different size)
  • there might be a "url" parameter, which indicates that the anura user doesn't have the permission to download the asset directly. Send the user to that URL instead of the default one, which triggers an interactive celum login.

As of version 2.0 you can also query the available download formats by file extension(s), e.g.:

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats=jpg (DEPRECATED, use downloadformats_for if possible)

  {"id": ​1, "name": "Original file", "description": "Download original file", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/orig.png"}, 
  {"id": ​2, "name": "Web JPG", "description": "JPG 1024x1024", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/web.png"}

Multiple extensions are supported as well (intersection):

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats=jpg,mp4 (DEPRECATED, use downloadformats_for if possible)

[{"id": ​1, "name": "Original file", "description": "Download original file", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/orig.png"}]
Downloadformats For

As of version 2.2, you can query the available download formats for an asset:

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats_for=1337&locale=en

{"name": "0100181.psd", "extension": "psd", "type": 1, "formats": [
    {"id": 1, "name": "Original file", "description": "Download original file", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/orig.png"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Web JPG", "description": "Download JPG optimized for web", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/web.png" }

As of version 2.6, you'll get some additional infos about enabled DownloadFormatInterceptors (see CMA)

  • resizeable -> paperFormatDownloadFormatInterceptor is enabled
  • editable -> imageEditorDownloadFormatInterceptor is enabled
  • message -> messageBoxDownloadFormatInterceptor is enabled

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats_for=1337

[{"id": 8, "name": "User Definable", "description": "Allows the user to choose the size", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/orig.png", "resizeable": true, "editable": false, "message": false}]

As of version 2.7, you can also request infofields alongside the download infos, just as you would with asset and container requests:

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats_for=1337&locale=en&infofields=148,137

{"name": "0100181.psd", "extension": "psd", "type": 1, "formats": [/*... snip ...*/], 
"infofields": {"148": "Example", "137": "Jan 1, 2020"},
"infofields_raw": {"148": {"en": "Example", "de": "Beispiel"}, "137": 1577833200000}}

Sidenote: The reason there are two info-maps here is to maintain backwards compatibility, as "raw" was introduced later

As of version 2.8, you can also ask for multiple assets at once to get a map of id -> download-info:

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats_for=42,1337&locale=en

    "42": {"name": "0100181.psd", "extension": "psd", "type": 1, "formats": [/*... snip ...*/]},
    "1337": {"name": "some.jpg", "extension": "jpg", "type": 1, "formats": [/*... snip ...*/]}

As of version 2.9, you can also ask for asset versions in this request:

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats_for=42,1337&locale=en&versions=true

{"name": "flag_of_the_earth.png", "extension": "png", "type": 1, "formats": [/*... snip ...*/],
 "versions": [
     {"version": 1, "name": "flag_of_the_earth_fixed.png", "date": "May 2, 2016, 3:52:37 PM", "date_raw": 1462197157361, "active": true}
     {"version": 0, "name": "flag_of_the_earth.png", "date": "May 2, 2016, 7:58:45 AM", "date_raw": 1462175925468, "active": false}

As of version 2.9.19 you can also ask for an alternative name (same as in node requests)

[GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?downloadformats_for=42,1337&alt_name=105


Knowing the download format IDs, you can then trigger a download:

  • download (long[]) - ID(s) of the asset to be downloaded
  • format (int) - ID of the download format to be used (see above)
  • forcezip (boolean) - force even single asset downloads to be delivered in a ZIP-file
  • version (long) - request a version other than the current one, only for single downloads (otherwise use options notation, see below), since 2.9

You can download multiple files at once in a ZIP by specifying more than one download, e.g. download=42,1337,7 (the old notation "download=1&download=2" is still supported)

Example: [GET] your.server.com/anura/asset.do?download=42&format=6

This will stream the file directly to the browser with Content-Disposition=attachment.

As of version 2.0, you can specify download formats per asset (colon-separated, overrides the format parameter) with download=:, e.g. download=1337:6 or download=42:1,1337:6,7:1

As of version 2.6, you can add additional download format options (if a DownloadFormatInterceptor is present), e.g. download=1337:8:width=100;height=100;unit=px

Known parameters:

  • width (float) - Width for the paperFormatDownloadFormatInterceptor
  • height (float) - Height for the paperFormatDownloadFormatInterceptor
  • unit (String) - Unit for the paperFormatDownloadFormatInterceptor - one of "mm", "inch" or "px" (default)
  • version(long) - Request a version other than the current one (since 2.9)
  • locale is set implicitly through the regular locale parameter. Has no known effect unless you use a custom API File Name Resolver.
  • crop (geometry) - Crop instructions for the imageEditorDownloadFormatInterceptor in the form of <width>x<height>{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>, e.g. crop=1280×720+50+50 crops to a 1280x720px area with an offset of 50px from the top and left. (since 2.9)
    • cropping takes place before resizing (at least by default, check your conversion.xml).
    • you'll probably want to URL-Encode the + as %2B
    • non-compliant syntax will be yeeted for security reasons, i.e. you must adhere to \d+(\.\d+)?%?x\d+(\.\d+)?%?([+-]\d+){0,2}


  • details (int) - celum ID of the asset you want to get detailed information about
  • details_infofields (boolean) - whether to include information fields in the response, default is true
  • details_keywords (boolean) - whether to include keywords (name -> path) in the response, default is false
  • details_keyword_paths (boolean) - whether to include complete keyword paths in the response, default is false
  • details_keyword_list (boolean) - whether to include a list of keyword objects in the response, default is false
  • details_links (boolean) - whether to include related objects (aka links, up to 5), default is false
  • details_downloads (boolean) - whether to add the available download formats for this file, default is true, since 2.1
  • details_versions (boolean) - whether to add the available versions of the asset, default is false, since 2.9
  • details_public_urls (boolean) - whether to add the available public urls of the asset, default is false, since 2.9


[GET] your.server/anura/asset.do?details=1337&locale=en

"general_title":"Object Details",
    "Creation date": "Jul 18, 2013 2:51:56 PM",
    "File size": "205 KB",
    "File extension":"jpg",
    "Size": "1049 x 697 Pixels",
    "DPI": "72",
    "Graphic type": "Raster",
    "ICC-Profile":"Adobe RGB (1998)"
"infofields_title":"Information Fields",
    {"id": "info_108", "name": "Copyright Required", "value": "No", "type": "Boolean"},
    {"id": "info_121", "name": "Copyright Information", "value": "Some copyright text", "type": "TextArea"},

[GET] your.server/anura/asset.do?details=1337&locale=en&details_keyword_paths=true&details_keyword_list=true&links=true

/* ...snip... */
"keyword_paths": [
"keyword_list": [
    {id: "123", name: "RGB", path: "/Color"},
    {id: "456", name: "Basel", path: "/Location/Europe/Switzerland"}
    {id: 55456, type: 2, name: "license_agreement.pdf"}

As of 2.1 the response will also contain the available download formats in the download fields (same as if you'd request downloadformats= separately) and node referencing information fields have an additional value with the individual nodes (instead of just the "bla, foo"-string):

/* ...snip... */
"infofields": [
        "id": "info_125",
        "name": "Type of Document",
        "type": "NodeReference",
        "value": "First value, Second value",
        "values": [
            {"id": "noderef_2702", "name": "First value",  "value": "2702", "type": "103", "info": "/Path/To/Value"}
            {"id": "noderef_4702", "name": "Second value", "value": "4702", "type": "103", "info": "/Path/To/Value"}
"downloads": [
    {"id": 1,"name": "Original file", "description": "Download original file", "icon": "../../images/download-formats/dark/big/orig.png"},
    {/* snip */}

you can override the name of informationfields if you don't like what informationfields.xml provides by specifying anura.infofield.name.<infofield-id>=... in your message bundle. Same goes for anura.infofield.readerinfo.<infofield-id>=....

Information fields

Get introspection details about the nature of an information field

  • infofield (long or list of long) - celum ID(s) of the information field(s) you want to query (or -1 to get all, since 2.7). Dropdown fields will also report all available values.

Note: type is 0 = text, 1 = number, 2 = date, 3 = node reference (since 2.0), 4 = checkbox, 5 = dropdown


[GET] server.com/anura/asset.do?infofield=7

{"name": "Image source", "description": "Where you got it from", "type": 0}

Dropdown fields also declare the possible values:

{..., "values":[{"name": "Fotolia", "id": 4},{"name": "Getty Images", "id": 5},{"name": "DigitalVision", "id": 6}]}

Node referencing fields declare additional settings:

{..., "root_node": 1100, "show_root": false, max_selections": -1]}

Asset Types

Get information about the configured asset types


[GET] server.com/anura/asset.do?assettype=true

[{"id":"1000","name":"Product Picture","value":"Product_Image"},{"id":"2000","name":"Product Video","value":"Product_Video"}, ...]

File Categories

Get information about the available file categories, since 2.9.21


[GET] server.com/anura/asset.do?file_categories=true


General Properties

Provides introspection for the general section of details - similar to what infofield=-1 does for infofields.

  • properties (boolean) - if you want to see all known properties, since: 2.9


[GET] server.com/anura/asset.do?properties=true

[{"id": "name", "name": "Name", "type": "string"}, {"id": "original_name", "name": "File Name", "type": "string"}, ...]


Downloads all related assets as a ZIP file (along with the asset itself) in the original , e.g. to get all assets placed in an InDesign file.

  • relatations (long) - the ID of the asset you want to retrieve the relations from, since: 2.9. Pass -1 to get a list of all available relation types (since 2.9.6)
  • version (long) - the version of the asset to query (defaults to the current version)
  • type (String) - the type of the relation you want to load (defaults to all relations)
  • format (long) - the download format to use (defaults to the original format)

[GET] server.com/anura/asset.do?relations=1337


Access any translated string available in celum

  • string (string[]) - the message key you'd like to get translated. Multiple strings can be requested using string=first.key&string=second.key


[GET] server.com/anura/asset.do?string=detailview.title&string=detailview.infobox.noinfo

{"detailview.title":"Object Details","detailview.infobox.noinfo":"No information available"}

Here's a list of translation keys that are known to be used by anura.

You can access labels in languages that are not used in CELUM, provided there's a corresponding appserver/lang/customMessages_xy.properties. This however does not apply to information field names that have their labels defined outside of the informationfields.xml - in that case the locale must be present in the guiLanguages for CELUM to load them (?)



Allows the creation of PINs. Note that anura.1.createPinParentNodeId must be configured. since 2.9

  • create (comma-separated list of long) - the asset IDs you'd like to create a PIN for.
  • title (string) - title of the PIN, optional
  • redirect (boolean) - rather than returning a JSON response, redirect to the PIN page
  • formats (comma-separated list of long) - request that the PIN has these download formats (overrides anura.1.createPinDownloadFormats), since 2.9.36

Because of a bug in the PIN view, the URL is not copyable (or to be more precise, it only works once, because showpin.do changes to pinaccess.do, which in turn creates a scoped session). You may want to add history.replaceState(null, null, 'showpin.do'+location.search); as a custom JS to your PIN page to fix this.


[GET] server.com/anura/pin.do?create=42,1337&title=Example



get (long)

Get all reviews of a given asset ID.


[GET] server.com/anura/review.do?&get=321

  "averageRating": 4.0,
  "reviewList": [
      "reviewId": "0e3f0e3f-e3d0-4f1f-b767-0037db907b17",
      "createDate": "Jun 10, 2021 12:07:44 PM",
      "creator": {
        "userId": 234,
        "userName": "anura",
        "avatar": "AN"
      "rating": 5,
      "comment": "Very nice picture!",
      "editable": true
      "reviewId": "52d0bb37-1b37-42f7-954f-127eef96c167",
      "createDate": "Jun 10, 2021 12:08:05 PM",
      "lastModifiedDate": "Jun 10, 2021 12:11:19 PM",
      "creator": {
        "userId": 9,
        "userName": "admin",
        "avatar": "AD"
      "rating": 3,
      "comment": "Picture is ok!",
      "editable": true

post (long)

Create a new review for a given asset ID

  • comment (string) - comment of the review.
  • rating (float) - rating of the review, between 1 and 5.

[GET] server.com/anura/review.do?&post=326&comment=Very%20nice%20picture!&rating=5

  "anuraReview": {
    "reviewId": "0e3f0e3f-e3d0-4f1f-b767-0037db907b17",
    "createDate": "Jun 10, 2021 12:07:44 PM",
    "creator": {
      "userId": 234,
      "userName": "anura",
      "avatar": "AN"
    "rating": 5,
    "comment": "Very nice picture!",
    "editable": true
  "averageRating": 5.0