Azure Video Analyzer

Advanced-UI NOVA-UI

The "Azure Video Analyzer" plugin uses the Azure Video Analyzer for Media (formerly known as Video Indexer) service to extract metadata from videos and displays the insights and player widgets. Videos can be uploaded automatically or via menu.

Note: It seems Azure stuck with "Azure AI Video Indexer" even though it was announced everywhere that it will be called "Video Analyzer".


  1. Create an "Azure AI Video Indexer" account
  2. Create a subscription for your video indexer resource via "API Management Service"
  3. Go to "Microsoft Entra ID" > "App registrations" and register an app, the ID of the app can be seen in the overview (azureVideoAnalyzer.clientId)
  4. Select "App registrations" again on the left and then "Endpoints" at the top, there the "OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2)" can be found (azureVideoAnalyzer.oAuthTokenEndpoint)
  5. Create a secret for the app (azureVideoAnalyzer.clientSecret)
  6. Go to your "Azure AI Video Indexer" resource > "Access control (IAM)" and grant the registered app access
  7. Open your video indexer resource and in the overview click on "JSON View" on the right side
  8. In the opening panel the location (azureVideoAnalyzer.location) and accountId (azureVideoAnalyzer.accountId) can be found
  9. At the top of the panel copy the "Resource ID", prefix it with "" and append "/generateAccessToken?api-version=2024-01-01" (azureVideoAnalyzer.videoIndexerTokenEndpoint)
  10. Make sure, and have no CORS restrictions


To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/


type: string, required: yes, default: -

The license key for the plugin (product: azureVideoAnalyzer), provided by brix.


type: comma-separated user group ids, required: no, default: super admins only

The user groups which are allowed to upload videos.


type: comma-separated user group ids, required: no, default: super admins only

The user gorups which are allowed to view videos.


type: comma-separated user group ids, required: no, default: super admins only

The user gourps which are allowed to view videos and edit insights.


type: number between 2 to 10, requierd: no, default: 5

The number of threads used to process asset changes.


type: number between 2 and 60, requierd: no, default: 10

The debounce time in seconds (that's how long changes are accumulated and then processed all at once to avoid triggering the same action multiple times because other plugins are setting fields automatically after saving).


type: number between 100 and 1000, required: no, default: 200

The maximum number of direct children for a node (not counting structure nodes). Sub-nodes to group the nodes are created automatically.


type: uri, required: yes, default: -



type: string, required: yes, default: -

E.g. a0b1c2d3-e4f5-6666-7777-898989898989


type: string, required: yes, default: -


type: uri, required: yes, default: -



type: url, required: no, default:

The URL to the Azure Video Analyzer for Media service.


type: string, required: yes, default: -

The account id, execute this request here to get it.


type: string, required: yes, default: -

The location, also found here.


type: string, required: no, default: Celum

The prefix to use for the external ID (asset ID) stored by Azure.

type: string, required: for automation and init task, default: -

The scope for automated video upload (if enabled), using search util 2 syntax.


type: user id, required: no, default: apiUser

The user to perform the search with. This allows to additionally filter out assets with permissions.


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

Enables the automated video upload.


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

Enables the init task (uses the scope defined above).


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

Enables the cleanup task (removes videos from Azure which have an external ID starting with the configured prefix but cannot be found in CELUM).


type: string, required: no, default: -, version: 1.5.3+

Automate cleanup task.


type: comma-separated list mappings, required: yes, default: en:en-US,de:de-DE,fr:fr-FR,it:it-IT,es:es-ES

The mapping for CELUM locales to Azure languages. Available languages: Serbian (Cyrillic): sr-Cyrl-RS, Serbian (Latin): sr-Latn-RS, Bosnian: bs-Latn, Chinese (Simplified): zh-Hans, Chinese (Traditional): zh-Hant, Filipino: fil-PH, English United Kingdom: en-GB, Fijian: en-FJ, English Australia: en-AU, Samoan: en-WS, English United States: en-US, Greek: el-GR, Spanish: es-ES, Spanish (Mexico): es-MX, Estonian: et-EE, Persian: fa-IR, Finnish: fi-FI, French (Canada): fr-CA, French: fr-FR, Haitian: fr-HT, Afrikaans: af-ZA, Arabic (Saudi Arabia): ar-SA, Arabic Syrian Arab Republic: ar-SY, Arabic (Palestinian Authority): ar-PS, Arabic (Qatar): ar-QA, Arabic Egypt: ar-EG, Arabic Modern Standard (Bahrain): ar-BH, Arabic (Oman): ar-OM, Arabic (Lebanon): ar-LB, Arabic (United Arab Emirates): ar-AE, Arabic (Kuwait): ar-KW, Arabic (Jordan): ar-JO, Arabic (Iraq): ar-IQ, Arabic (Israel): ar-IL, Danish: da-DK, German: de-DE, Bulgarian: bg-BG, Bangla: bn-BD, Malagasy: mg-MG, Malay: ms-MY, Maltese: mt-MT, Catalan: ca-ES, Czech: cs-CZ, Dutch: nl-NL, Norwegian: nb-NO, Indonesian: id-ID, Italian: it-IT, Lithuanian: lt-LT, Latvian: lv-LV, Japanese: ja-JP, Urdu: ur-PK, Ukrainian: uk-UA, Hindi: hi-IN, Hebrew: he-IL, Hungarian: hu-HU, Croatian: hr-HR, Korean: ko-KR, Vietnamese: vi-VN, Turkish: tr-TR, Tamil: ta-IN, Thai: th-TH, Tongan: to-TO, Russian: ru-RU, Romanian: ro-RO, Portuguese: pt-BR, Polish: pl-PL, Swedish: sv-SE, Kiswahili: sw-KE, Slovenian: sl-SI, Slovak: sk-SK, Chinese (Cantonese, Traditional): zh-HK.


type: string, required: no, default: Public

The privacy setting for the Azure videos (Public or Private). For private videos authorization is needed, that means they can only be viewed in CELUM.


type: string, required: no, default: auto

The language of the videos, auto (auto-detection recommended), multi (still experimental) or one of the languages above.


type: information field id, required: yes, default: -

Text or text area information field to store the ID from Azure. Only asset types with that field can be uploaded.

type: string, required: yes, default: name

From where the name will be extracted for Azure. Either name (asset name), a text or text area information field id or a localized text or text area information field id follwed by the locales to look at (E.g. 123:en,de,fr). The name is always the fallback if information fields are empty.


type: string, required: no, default: -

Optionally a description can be uploaded to Azure. Same possibilities as for, but without fallback.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the keywords are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the sentiments are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the audio effects are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the labels are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the brands are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the emotions are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A node referencing information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the topics are written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A (localized) text area information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the optical character recognition is written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: <break><break>

The delimiter to use for the OCR. <break> will be replaced by a new line and <space> by a space.


type: string, required: no, default: -

A (localized) text area information field id followed by the languages in which the information should be requested (e.g. 123:en,de,fr). If an asset type has the configured information field then the transcript is written in all the specified languages.


type: string, required: no, default: <space>

The delimiter to use for the transcript (space recommended, because each closed caption is a separate text). <break> will be replaced by a new line and <space> by a space.


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

If this is set to true a public URL to the video/insights will be maintained (provider = azureVideoAnalyzer, description = share). It is a link directly to the video on, make sure the videos are uploaded as public, then everybody has read-only access to the player and the insights.


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

If this is set to true a public API URL to the video will be maintained (provider = azureVideoAnalyzer, description = api). With that URL you can get captions and more if the video is set to public, e.g. just add /captions?format=vtt. Documentation. GET operations on public videos are possible without authorization.


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

A URL to embed the player as iframe (provider = azureVideoAnalyzer, description = embedPlayer).


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

A URL to embed the insights as iframe (provider = azureVideoAnalyzer, description = embedInsights). If both are embedded on the same page, make sure to include otherwise the two iframes cannot talk with each other.

Properties below require plugin version 1.5+


type: string, required: no, default: (all) "people,keywords,audioEffects,labels,sentiments,emotions,topics,keyframes,transcript,ocr,speakers,scenes,spokenLanguage,observedPeople,namedEntities,detectedObjects"

The widgets displayed by default when opening the view (others can still be selected manually).


type: string, required: no, default: "en-En,de-DE,fr-FR,it-IT,es-ES"


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

Enable captions by default.


type: boolean, required: no, default: true

Play the video when opening the view.


type: string, required: no, default: -, version: 1.5.1+

The person model id to use for the indexing of videos.


type: string, required: no, default: Default, version: 1.5.2+

The indexing preset to use. Allowed values: Default / AudioOnly / VideoOnly / Basic / BasicAudio / BasicVideo / Advanced / AdvancedAudio / AdvancedVideo.

Compatibility Matrix

Azure Video Analyzer CELUM (min. version)
1.0 6.4 (tested with 6.8)
1.2 6.4 (tested with 6.8)
1.3 6.4 (tested with 6.14)
1.4 6.14
1.5 6.14
1.5.4 6.20
Nova Plugin CELUM (min. version) Backend Plugin (min. version)
1.0.0 6.8.1 1.2.0
1.0.1 6.9.3 1.2.0
1.0.2 6.11.0 1.2.0
1.0.3 6.11.0 1.2.0

Release Notes


Released 2021-08-05

Initial Version


Released 2021-10-15

Nova Compatibility


Released 2023-01-09


Released 2024-12-09

New ARM-based video indexer support, not compatible with old version


Released 2025-01-14


Released 2025-01-23

Possibility to configure a person model id for face recognition in videos.


Released 2025-01-30

Possibility to configure indexing preset.