Old Upload Request (DEPRECATED)


DEPRECATED, use the new one instead!

With the "Upload Request" Plugin you can create an upload request for external user on every node. The Upload Request will generate a link, which can be used to provide it to any customer to upload files to the specific node.


To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/custom.properties


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The license for this plugin (determines validity, expiration date). This is delivered by brix after you supply the customer's name (xxx in {home}/appserver/conf/xxx.license.dat) e.g. uploadRequest.license=beJUxOSxNpeLBF078TscfZHIuSdeZ068Q65


type: numbers, required: no, default: -

With userGroupIds it is possible to restrict that not all groups can see the Upload Request in Celum. If it's empty all user can see, create and edit any Upload Request's. To restrict it to user groups fill in user group id's, which are separated with a coma.

e.g. 12,73,32


type: long, required: no, default: -

If the assetTypeId is set, the uploaded asset will automatically set to this asset type after uploading. In this case, the asset type is preselected in the plugin and can't be changed for the upload.

e.g. 1000


type: String, required: no, default: image/*,.eps

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed. If it's empty all files can be uploaded to the node.
The file category image will define which file can be uploaded if IMAGE is selected.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe


type: String, required: no, default: application/*

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed. If it's empty all files can be uploaded to the node.
The file category document will define which file can be uploaded if DOCUMENT is selected.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe


type: String, required: no, default: text/*

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed. If it's empty all files can be uploaded to the node.
The file category text will define which file can be uploaded if TEXT is selected.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe


type: String, required: no, default: audio/*

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed. If it's empty all files can be uploaded to the node.
The file category audio will define which file can be uploaded if AUDIO is selected.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe


type: String, required: no, default: video/*

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed. If it's empty all files can be uploaded to the node.
The file category video will define which file can be uploaded if VIDEO is selected.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe


type: String, required: no, default: -

The file category defines which mime type or file extension can be uploaded to a node. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed. If it's empty all files can be uploaded to the node.
The file category unknown will define which file can be uploaded if UNKNOWN is selected.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe


type: String, required: no, default: -

If the mimeTypes is set, all the file categories will be ignored and only the mime types and the file extension of the mimeTypes propeties will be considered. It is a coma separated string list which can contain mime type(image/*,image/jpeg) or file extensions(.exe,.mp3). Both can be mixed.
e.g. image/png,audio/\*,.mpeg,.exe



type: String, required: no, default: -

What logo to use in the upper right corner.


type: String, required: no, default: #eee

The header's background color


type: String, required: no, default: #3d4043

The header title's font color


type: String, required: no, default: -

This property has to be placed in the customMessages_lang.properties file. The header title text for all Upload Request.
e.g. Welcome to the Upload Request


type: String, required: no, default: -

This property has to be placed in the customMessages_lang.properties file. To set a instruction text above the file drop. To style the text html is allowed.
e.g. <h1>Instructions</h1>


type: boolean, required: no, default: false

If a popup with a disclaimer text should be shown when opening an upload request. This disclaimer can be configured in the customMessages_lang.properties under the key uploadRequest.disclaimer.message. When no such key is present, CELUM's download disclaimer message (downloadFormatInterceptor.messageBox.message) is used instead.

Compatibility Matrix

Upload Request CELUM (min. version)
1.0 - 1.9 5.12.3 -5.13.0
2.0 -2.4 5.13.1 - 5.13.3
2.5 - 2.7.7 5.13.4 - 6.3
2.7.10 6.4.0
Nova Plugin CELUM (min. version) Backend Plugin (min. version)
1.0.0 6.8.1 3.5.0
1.0.1 6.9.3 3.5.0
1.0.2 6.10.0 3.5.0
1.0.3 6.11.0 3.5.0


Upload Request Menu

Upload Request Settings

Upload Request Uploading

Upload Request Authetication

Upload Request Save Mode

Release Notes


Initial Version


  • Fixed mimetype will hide category choose
  • Set timeout to infinity
  • Parallel upload 100
  • Available Infofield to set for the uploader, optional or required


  • Delete files in a thread pool


  • Authentication mode none and Celum
  • Celum authentication need Celum session to upload files
  • Preset user first and last name on Celum authentication


  • Set default Value of text and textarea fields per GET param with Infofield Id and value e.g. ?infoValues=120;Hallo&infoValues=140;Welt
  • Choose the saveMode of the Request(Create Folder, Choose Folder or let the uploader decide)


  • Set the max file upload size
  • Set the license via property
  • Added a few branding properties


  • Add property for a welcome text
  • Add property for instructions
  • Add French translation
  • Translation for the dropzone plugin


  • Added expiration page
  • Added share menu to list view
  • The ability to give information fields a predefined value has been added.
  • Predefined information field values can be locked, so the uploader cannot change them.
  • Add Templates and the ability to clone an Upload-Request
  • Add language support (it, sp, ro)
  • Parallel upload for better performance
  • Better sorting for dropdown values
  • Made the "resume uploads" feature configurable
  • Added Upload-Progressbar
  • Changed layout
  • NOTE: During initial startup, the existing upload requests are migrated to a new Storage-Object. Therefore, a downgrade to below this version is not possible.


  • Added support for Share Listing Plus
  • Added mulitselect support for predefined node reference fields.


  • Added ability to lock a Node and its Sub-Nodes as predefined values for a nodereference field.
  • Better uploading user-feedback
  • changed layout
  • Added information about total size and uploaded files count


  • Added duplicate check