Akeneo Connect


Akeneo Connect is a CELUM extension which allows you to synchronize previews, IDs, URLs and metadata from CELUM to Akeneo.

In the other direction you can synchronize the product structure and attributes from Akeneo to CELUM. It is also possible to write data from Akeneo to the CELUM structure to efficiently use the search of CELUM.

Akeneo:connect diagram

1. Requirements

  • Akeneo 4.0 - 7.0
  • CELUM 5.13.3

2. Installation


  • Create an API key Akeneo configure API Key
  • Create an API role: Akeneo Connect requires readwrite access to attributes and assets and readonly access to everything else Akeneo configure role
  • Create an API user with the role you have just created


  • Place the provided Akeneo Connect jar file in home/appserver/lib/
  • Create a root node for the Akeneo product hierarchy. It is recommended to create a new node type for this.
  • Create a new text information field 'hierarchyIdentifier' and assign it to the node type of the product hierarchy root node.
  • Set at least the required properties (see section below) in home/appserver/conf/custom.properties
  • Create home/appserver/spring/akeneo-hierarchy-config.xml (see section below)
  • Restart CELUM appserver

3. Configuration


To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/custom.properties

API Credentials


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The base URL of your Akeneo instance

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.baseUrl=https://akeneo-demo.brix.ch


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The client ID of the Akeneo API key

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.clientId=1_3f8ostwi792c88sasdws123ww0skkgog0kg4c13k04s84k448g


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The client secret of the Akeneo API key

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.clientSecret=1fyrte3werps088w8sw1111kk0c4s04s0sc4wgso8c8css8kgso


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The name of the Akeneo API user

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.username=user_name


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The password of the Akeneo API user

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.password=password

Other mandatory properties


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The license for Akeneo Connect provided by brix Solutions AG

e.g. akeneoConnector.license=B3Kj3MbcupVIF/zHV2fn0uwmjRpaQ4YcynIjENCxA0l4ncLRYyUZwubIhXKpgW/+baPziK


type: String, required: yes, default: sku

The code of the identifier attribute in akeneo

e.g. akeneoConnector.identifierAttributeCode=art_no

akeneoConnector.api.labelChannelCode (deprecated)
akeneoConnector.api.channelPrecedence (since v1.10.8)

type: List of Strings (comma-separated), required: yes, default: -

Priority list of channel codes to consider when synchronizing attributes with different values per channel

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.channelPrecedence=ecommerce,print


type: Number, required: yes, default: -

The ID of the newly created node information field (see above)

This is a technical information field for storing identifier data needed by the sync algorithm. It is recommended to hide it for all users (except superusers) via role configuration.

e.g. akeneoConnector.informationFieldId.hierarchyIdentifier=205


type: Number, required: yes, default: -

The ID of the root node of the product hierarchy synchronized from Akeneo

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.rootNodeId=17362

Optional API properties

The provided default values should be fine for most cases.


type: String, required: no, default: UTC

The configured time zone on your Akeneo server instance.

Server instances hosted by Akeneo (*.cloud.akeneo.com) always have UTC configured.

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.timeZoneId=Europe/Vienna


type: String, required: no, defaults: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, es_ES, it_IT

Defines the default country code (variant) for a language.

Because CELUM does not support language variants, the connector needs to decide which language variant to use if Akeneo returns data for multiple variants of the same language e.g. en_US and en_GB.



type: List of Strings (comma-separated), required: no, default: -

List of locales to include in Akeneo API responses

Setting this property may slightly improve performance by stripping unnecessary locale data from all API responses.

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.requiredLocales=en_US,de_DE,fr_FR


type: Number, required: no, default: 100

The maximum number of records returned per API request

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.pageLimit=50

Consider decreasing this value if you experience request timeouts. The maximum value supported by the Akeneo API is 100.


type: Number, required: no, default: 10

Timeout in seconds for establishing a connection to the Akeneo API

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.connectTimeout=10


type: Number, required: no, default: 300 (5 minutes)

Timeout in seconds when reading data from the Akeneo API

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.readTimeout=300


type: Number, required: no, default: 600 (10 minutes)

Timeout in seconds when writing data to the Akeneo API

e.g. akeneoConnector.api.writeTimeout=600

Task Properties


type: String, required: no, default: Akeneo Connect

The name of the CELUM task group which synchronizes the structure into CELUM.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskGroup=Akeneo:connect


type: String, required: no, default: Hierarchy Full Sync

The name of the CELUM task which synchronizes the structure into CELUM.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskName.fullSync=Full Synchronisation


type: String, required: no, default: -

A Quartz cron expression for scheduling the full sync task. If this property is left empty, the task will only run when started manually via CELUM System Tasks.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskCron.fullSync=0 0 6/12 * * ?


type: String, required: no, default: Hierarchy Delta Sync

The name of the CELUM task which synchronizes the structure into CELUM.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskName.deltaSync=Delta Synchronisation


type: String, required: no, default: -

A Quartz cron expression for scheduling the delta sync task. If this property is left empty, the task will only run when started manually via CELUM System Tasks.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskCron.deltaSync=0 0 0-5,9-17,21-23 * * ?


type: List of Strings (comma-separated), required: no, default: -

List of e-mail addresses which will receive an error report in case of failure of a synchronisation task.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.errorMailRecipients=marketing@example.com,it@example.com


type: List of Strings (comma-separated), required: no, default: -

List of Akeneo family codes

If set, only products from the listed families will be synchronized, all products otherwise.

e.g. akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.familyFilter=clothing


type: Boolean, required: no, default: true

Whether to partition all products by Akeneo family and synchronize each family separately.

It is strongly recommended to leave this enabled for performance reasons, if you want to synchronize a large number of products.

Export Properties


type: Boolean, required: no, default: true

Whether to trigger exports to Akeneo when an asset is directly assigned to an Akeneo hierarchy node

e.g. akeneoConnector.export.triggerOnDirectAssignment=false


type: List of Integer (comma-separated), required: no, default: -

The IDs of one or many node-referencing information field which refer to the synchronized Akeneo product hierarchy

If this property is set, exports to Akeneo are triggered when one of the configured information field is updated on an asset.

e.g. akeneoConnector.export.triggerFieldId=235,236


type: Boolean, required: no, default: true (since v1.9.8-2.3 / v1.10.7-3.0)

Whether to clear the configured trigger information field when an asset is moved to the trashbin

By default, no metadata is removed when an asset is moved to the trashbin. With this property set to true, the configured trigger field is cleared when an asset is moved to the trashbin, which will consequently trigger removal of the exported asset data from Akeneo.

e.g. akeneoConnector.export.clearTriggerFieldOnMoveToTrashbin=true


type: Boolean, required: no, default: false

Whether to consider asset availability status for exports

If this property is set to true, exports to Akeneo will only be triggered if the availability status of the asset is 'active'. Furthermore, an already exported asset will be removed from Akeneo when its availability status changes to 'inactive'.

e.g. akeneoConnector.export.considerAssetAvailability=true


type: List of Long (comma-separated), required: no, default: -

Which UserGroupIDs should be able to see the "Export assets to Akeneo" context menu on assets (super-admins can always see it).

Example Configuration

#### Akeneo Connector ####
akeneoConnector.license={provided by brix}

# API credentials

# ID of the node information field for storing the hierarchy identifier

# ID of the root node of the product hierarchy synchronized from Akeneo

# code of the identifier attribute in akeneo

# prefer attribute data from ecommerce channel, fallback to print

# run full sync every saturday at 1 am
akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskCron.fullSync=0 0 1 ? * SAT

# run delta sync every 4 hours
akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.taskCron.deltaSync=0 0 0/4 * * ?

# send error report on sync task failure

# don't trigger exports when an asset is directly assigned to an product node

# trigger exports when a product node is assigned via node referencing field with ID 195

# clear this information field when an asset is moved to the trash bin

# only export 'active' assets to akeneo and remove 'inactive' ones

Hierarchy Configuration

akeneo-hierarchy-config.xml Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
       http://www.springframework.org/schema/util http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util-3.0.xsd">

  <util:map id="akeneoConnectorHierarchyConfigsByFamily" key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.config.AkeneoHierarchyConfiguration">
    <entry key="default">
      <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.config.AkeneoHierarchyConfiguration">

        <property name="filterExpressions">
            <!-- see https://api.akeneo.com/documentation/filter.html -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.config.FilterExpression">
              <!-- value for query parameter 'search' -->
              <constructor-arg name="expression">
                <value>{"web_blocked":[{"operator":"=","value":false}],"since":[{"operator":"NOT EMPTY"}]}</value>
              <!-- value for query parameter 'search_scope' -->
              <property name="channel" value="print"/>
              <!-- value for query parameter 'search_locale' -->
              <property name="locale" value="de_AT"/>

            <!-- FilterExpression beans on top level are connected with OR (i.e. the union of the records returned by each of them is built) -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.config.FilterExpression">
             <constructor-arg name="expression">


        <property name="hierarchyLevelConfigurations">
          <util:list value-type="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.config.HierarchyLevelConfiguration">

            <!-- family -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.config.HierarchyLevelConfiguration">
              <constructor-arg name="hierarchyLevel">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.model.hierarchyLevel.FamilyLevel" factory-method="getInstance"/>

            <!-- producer attribute -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.config.HierarchyLevelConfiguration">
              <constructor-arg name="hierarchyLevel">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.model.hierarchyLevel.AttributeLevel" factory-method="getInstance">
                  <constructor-arg value="producer"/>
              <constructor-arg name="labelBuilder">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.label.AttributeValueLabelBuilder">
                  <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="producer"/>
                  <property name="valueTransformer">
                    <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.valueTransformer.ReferenceEntityRecordValueTransformer">
                      <constructor-arg name="referenceEntityType" value="manufacturer"/>
                      <constructor-arg name="referenceAttributeCode" value="name"/>
                      <constructor-arg name="cacheTtlInMinutes" value="480"/>
                      <property name="prefetchAllData" value="false"/>

            <!-- product model level 1 -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.config.HierarchyLevelConfiguration">
              <constructor-arg name="hierarchyLevel">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.model.hierarchyLevel.ProductModelLevel" factory-method="getInstance">
                  <constructor-arg value="1"/>
              <!-- custom LabelBuilder: Product model identifier followed by value of attribute 'product_name' separated by pipe -->
              <constructor-arg name="labelBuilder">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.label.ConcatLabelBuilder">
                  <constructor-arg name="labelBuilders">
                      <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.label.IdLabelBuilder"/>
                      <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.label.AttributeValueLabelBuilder">
                        <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="product_name"/>
                  <property name="delimiter" value=" | "/>

            <!-- product model level 2 -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.config.HierarchyLevelConfiguration">
              <constructor-arg name="hierarchyLevel">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.model.hierarchyLevel.ProductModelLevel" factory-method="getInstance">
                  <constructor-arg value="2"/>

            <!-- product -->
            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.config.HierarchyLevelConfiguration">

              <constructor-arg name="hierarchyLevel">
                <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.hierarchySync.model.hierarchyLevel.ProductLevel" factory-method="getInstance"/>

              <property name="defaultImportMappingsByPropertyExpression">
                  <entry key="ean" value="113"/>
                  <entry key="description" value="120"/>

              <property name="importMappingsByPropertyExpression">
                  <entry key="multiValueAttribute">
                    <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.mappingTypes.infofield.NodeReferencingInfofieldByMultiNameMapping">
                      <property name="infofieldId" value="228"/>
                      <property name="exclusive" value="true"/>
                      <property name="doUpdateCheck" value="true"/>
                      <property name="clearOnEmptyValue" value="true"/>
                      <property name="overwrite" value="true"/>
                      <property name="localizedNodeFinder">
                        <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.nodeFinder.DefaultNodeFinder">
                          <property name="rootNodeId" value="180575"/>
                          <property name="createIfNotFound" value="true"/>
                          <property name="adaptOtherLocales" value="true"/>
                          <property name="matchType" value="EXACT_CASE_INSENSITIVE"/>

              <property name="exportMappings">

                  <!-- export asset ID to text attribute -->
                  <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.AssetIdExportMapping">
                    <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="celum_asset_id"/>
                    <!-- overwrite attribute value instead of appending to current value -->
                    <property name="overwriteValue" value="true"/>

                  <!-- export asset name to text attribute -->
                  <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.AssetNameExportMapping">
                    <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="celum_asset_name"/>

                  <!-- export Public URL to text attribute -->
                  <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.PublicUrlExportMapping">
                    <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="celum_public_url"/>
                    <!-- CELUM Public URLs are identified by a description, provider and an optional provider instance -->
                    <property name="urlDescription" value="video"/>
                    <property name="providerFilter">
                      <bean class="com.celum.api.model.ProviderFilter">
                        <constructor-arg name="provider" value="youtube"/>
                        <!-- optional instance identifier -->
                        <constructor-arg name="instance" value="instance123"/>
                    <!-- delimit multiple values by line break instead of comma -->
                    <property name="delimiter" value="\n"/>

                  <!-- export asset binary to media file attribute -->
                  <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.MediaFileExportMapping">
                    <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="picture"/>
                    <constructor-arg name="binaryUrlProvider">
                      <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.model.export.binaryUrlProvider.CustomFormatBinaryUrlProvider">
                        <constructor-arg name="downloadFormatId" value="17"/>

                  <!-- export asset binary to asset collection attribute -->
                  <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.AkeneoAssetExportMapping">
                    <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="celum_assets"/>
                    <constructor-arg name="binaryUrlProvider">
                      <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.model.export.binaryUrlProvider.StandardFormatBinaryUrlProvider">
                        <constructor-arg name="representationTypeId" value="prvw"/>
                    <!-- optional export condition: Export only if condition holds -->
                    <property name="exportCondition">
                      <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.model.export.condition.AssetNameExportCondition">
                        <constructor-arg name="regex" value="^[A-Z]{2}\d{2}-[A-Z0-9]\d{2}_\d{5}_front\.\w+$"/>
                        <constructor-arg name="caseSensitive" value="false"/>
                    <!-- omit if attribute is not scoped by channel -->
                    <property name="channelCode" value="ecommerce"/>
                    <!-- omit if attribute is not scoped by locale -->
                    <property name="locale" value="en_US"/>

                  <!-- export to Asset Manager -->
                  <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.AssetManagerExportMapping">
                    <constructor-arg name="assetFamilyCode" value="celum_assets"/>
                    <constructor-arg name="assetCodeExpression" value="product.code"/> <!-- "product.code" or "asset.id" -->
                    <constructor-arg name="productAttributeCode" value="assets"/>
                    <property name="assetIdAttributeCode" value="celum_id"/>
                    <property name="removeAssetFromProduct" value="true"/>
                    <constructor-arg name="assetAttributeExportMappings">
                        <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.assetAttribute.text.AssetIdAssetAttributeExportMapping">
                          <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="celum_id"/>
                        <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.assetAttribute.text.AssetNameAssetAttributeExportMapping">
                          <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="celum_name"/>
                          <property name="locale" value="de_DE"/> <!-- optional -->
                          <property name="channelCode" value="ecommerce"/> <!-- optional -->
                        <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.assetAttribute.text.PublicUrlAssetAttributeExportMapping">
                          <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="cdn_url"/>
                          <!-- CELUM Public URLs are identified by a description, provider and an optional provider instance -->
                          <property name="urlDescription" value="cdnImage1"/>
                          <!-- optional -->
                          <property name="providerFilter">
                            <bean class="com.celum.api.model.ProviderFilter">
                              <constructor-arg name="provider" value="exporter"/>
                              <!-- optional instance identifier -->
                              <constructor-arg name="instance" value="instance123"/>
                        <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.assetExport.exportMapping.assetAttribute.binary.MediaFileAssetAttributeExportMapping">
                          <constructor-arg name="attributeCode" value="media"/>
                          <constructor-arg name="binaryUrlProvider">
                            <bean class="ch.brix.akeneoConnector.lib.pimSync.model.export.binaryUrlProvider.CustomFormatBinaryUrlProvider">
                              <constructor-arg name="downloadFormatId" value="17"/>




4. Usage

  • Login into the CELUM
  • Start the hierarchy synchronisation task
  • The configured structure will be set up in CELUM
  • Add assets to the product hierarchy
  • The information will be synchronized to Akeneo

5. Recommended

brix extension Carbon Copy

If there are mappings of data from Akeneo to CELUM, they will be written on the information field of the product node. To copy them from the node to all assigned Assets, we recommend using our extension Carbon Copy

brix extension Asset Marker

If you like to see in general which assets are used in Akeneo, we recommend using our extension Asset Marker

Compatibility Matrix

CELUM Akeneo Akeneo Connect
5.13.3 - 6.3 2.0 - 2.3 1.0.0 - 1.9.x
5.13.3 - 6.3 3.0 - 3.2 1.10.0 - 1.14.x
6.4 - 6.8 3.0 - 3.2 1.14.1 and above
5.13.3 - 6.3 4.0 - 6.0 1.20.0 and above
6.4 - 6.8 4.0 - 6.0 1.20.0-6.4 and above
6.9 (21.2) 4.0 - 6.0 1.20.0-6.9 and above
6.13 (22.4) 4.0 - 6.0 1.23.14-6.9 and above
6.15 (23.1) 4.0 - 7.0 1.31.2-a6.0-c6.9 and above
6.20 (25.1) and above 4.0 - 7.0 1.34.1-a6.0-c6.20 and above

Release Notes


Released 2018-11-01

  • Initial version

Released 2018-11-08

  • Add license property

Released 2018-11-29

  • Add timeout properties
  • Add properties for default country code per language

Released 2018-12-04

  • Add property for akeneo identifier attribute code

Released 2019-01-31

  • Moved hierarchy configuration to akeneo-hierarchy-config.xml
  • Implement export mapping for Akeneo asset collection attributes
  • Implement code to label resolver for dropdown values

Released 2019-02-20

  • Implement code to label resolver for reference entity attributes
  • Add support to specify one or more filter expressions for product retrieval

Released 2019-03-05

  • Implement code to label resolver for category attributes
  • Support multiple import mappings per attribute
  • Implement family filter (only sync specified families)

Released 2019-03-13

  • Implement update and deletion handling for export mappings
  • Optionally consider asset availability in export mappings (enabled via configuration property)

Released 2019-03-25

  • Improved progress estimation for sync task
  • Optionally send notification mail if errors occur in sync task

Released 2019-04-11

  • Implement delta mode for sync task: Only considers products which have been updated in Akeneo since the last task run
  • Implement new optional (configurable) feature "clear trigger field on move to trashbin"

Released 2019-05-14

  • Use Akeneo 3.x standard API in code to label resolver for reference entity attributes

Released 2019-06-12

  • Implement system task to re-export all assets to Akeneo

Released 2019-06-27

  • Add new export conditions by asset type and information field value

Released 2020-02-04

  • Improved re-export system task: split and optionally filter by Akeneo product family

Released 2020-05-13

  • Export Jobs are stored in a persistent queue to increase robustness
  • Add support for syncing products without a product family

Released 2020-12-08

  • Extend FilterExpressionValueTransformer to output either a LocalDate or LocalDateTime

Released 2021-08-11

  • Add support for property expressions for inbound mappings and node labels

Released 2021-08-24

  • Add support for Akeneo Asset Manager

Released 2022-01-18

  • Add possibility to link export mappings together for more efficient updates in Akeneo

Released 2023-05-10

  • Add support to export information field values to Akeneo

Released 2023-07-12

  • Add code providers to determine locale and channel code for an export mapping dynamically

Released 2023-07-19

  • Implement a context menu item to manually trigger the export to Akeneo for selected assets

Released 2024-01-25

  • Add support for multiple trigger fields

Released 2024-07-17

  • Optionally disable partitioning by family