Kibana Connect
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
type: String, required: yes, default: -
The license key for the plugin (product: kibanaConnector), provided by brix.
type: URL, required: maybe, default: localhost:9200
Where and on which port your elastic search instance resides - required if not running on the appserver itself.
type: int, required: no, default: 10
Number of threads used for indexing. A higher value can make indexing faster, but it also requires more resources.
type: int, required: no, default: 200
This setting determines how many assets are processed simultaneously during indexing.
type: boolean , required: no, default: false
This property can be set to true (preferably only temporarily via the configuration manager), to reset the Event-Id, from which the data will be sent to Kibana.
type: int, required: no, default: 50000
Number of Assets that are stored in the cache while indexing. A higher value can make indexing faster, but it also requires more resources.
type: Quartz-expression, required: no, default:
0 */5 * * * ?
How often to send new events over to Kibana
type: Quartz-expression, required: no, default:
0 0 0 * * ?
How often to send new workflows to Kibana
Download and install the public signing key:
rpm --import
Create a file called elasticsearch.repo in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ containing:
name=Elasticsearch repository for 7.x packages
You can now install Elasticsearch with the following command:
yum install elasticsearch
Start Elastisearch with:
service elasticsearch start
Download and install the public signing key:
rpm --import
Create a file called kibana.repo in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ containing:
name=Kibana repository for 7.x packages
You can now install Kibana with the following command:
yum install kibana
Start Kibana with:
service kibana start
Note: The Event-Tasks tracks its own progress. It can be paused or stopped and will continue where it has been stopped. If there is the need to reindex all the events, the property kibanaConnect.lastIdReset
can be set to 'true' and the indexing will start from the first Event. Remember to set the property back to false the first run.
Once the first index-run in CELUM has started, go to Stack Management > Kibana > Index Patterns. Create a new index pattern (e.g. event) and select date as the time field. Leave the rest as-is.
To see if you really have any events, go to Kibana > Discover and select a reasonably large time range in the upper right. Hit refresh. If you see some events, you're now ready to set up Kibana > Visualizations and Kibana > Dashboards to your heart's content.
└───Active From (date)
└───Active To (date)
└───Active Type (string)
└───Asset Id (number)
└───Asset Type Id (number)
└───Asset Type Name (string)
└───Created By
│ └───Date (date)
│ └───User Id (number)
└───Direct Parents (number)
└───File Category (string)
└───File Extension(string)
└───Infofield Entries
│ └───Informationfield Id (number)
│ └───Value (string)
│ └───Label (string)
└───Last Modified By
│ └───Date (date)
│ └───User Id (number)
└───Name (string)
└───Original File Name (string)
└───Original File Size (number)
└───Parents (number)
└───Status (string)
└───Versioned By
└───Date (date)
└───User Id (number)
└───Has Children (boolean)
└───Name (string)
└───Node Id (number)
└───Node Type Id (number)
└───Node Type Name (string)
└───Parent Id (number)
└───Parent Ids (number)
└───Validation Level Inherited (boolean)
└───Company (string)
└───Created (date)
└───Deactivated (boolean)
└───First Name (string)
└───Last Name (string)
└───Middle Name (string)
└───Must Change Password (boolean)
└───System (boolean)
└───User Id (number)
└───User Kind (string)
└───Asset Id (number)
└───Asset Type Id (number)
└───Date (date)
└───Event Id (number)
└───Event Type (string)
└───Event Type Id (number)
└───Node Id (number)
└───Node Type Id (number)
└───User Id (number)
└───processDefinitionId (string)
└───processDefinitionKey (string)
└───processDefinitionName_de (string)
└───processDefinitionName_en (string)
└───processDefinitionName_fr (string)
└───processInstanceBusinessKey (string)
└───processInstanceCreationDate (string)
└───processInstanceId (string)
└───processInstanceName (string)
└───processInstanceRequesterId (string)
└───processInstanceRequesterName (string)
└───processInstanceRequesterUsername (string)
└───processInstanceRoleUserIds_manager (string)
└───processInstanceStatus (number)
└───processInstanceStatusName_de (string)
└───processInstanceStatusName_en (string)
└───processInstanceStatusName_fr (string)
└───processVariable_boolean_isRevised (boolean)
└───processVariable_boolean_receiveNotificationSent (boolean)
└───processVariable_longCollection_assetIds (number)
└───processVariable_longCollection_uploadNodeId (number)
└───processVariable_long_nrOfAccepted (number)
└───processVariable_long_nrOfCompleted (number)
└───processVariable_long_nrOfRejected (number)
└───processVariable_stringCollection_initialApprovalCandidates (string)
└───processVariable_string_activeTaskId (string)
└───processVariable_string_approval (string)
└───processVariable_string_approvalComment (string)
└───processVariable_string_artwork (string)
└───processVariable_string_channel (string)
└───processVariable_string_commentHistory (string)
└───processVariable_string_comments (string)
└───processVariable_string_finalAdvertisementFormat (string)
└───processVariable_string_globalMarketingGroup (string)
└───processVariable_string_medium (string)
└───processVariable_string_newComment (string)
└───processVariable_string_requesterEmail (string)
└───processVariable_string_requesterFunction (string)
└───processVariable_string_requesterGivenName (string)
└───processVariable_string_requesterPin (string)
└───processVariable_string_requesterSubsidiary (string)
└───processVariable_string_requesterSurname (string)
└───processVariable_string_reviewerName (string)
└───processVariable_string_summaryTaskAssignee (string)
└───taskStageIds (string)
└───taskStageNames_de (string)
└───taskStageNames_en (string)
└───taskStageNames_fr (string)
Kibana Connector | CELUM |
1.0 - 1.2 | 5.13.4 and above |
1.3 and above | 6.4, tested up to 6.8.7 |
Released 2019-10-09
Initial version
Released 2019-12-17
Added workflow indexing
Released 2020-03-18
Code optimizations
Released 2021-02-22
Optimized indexing behavior, deliver date in millisecond accuracy
© brix Solutions AG