Asset Approval

Advanced-UI NOVA-UI

The "Asset Approval" plugin is a workflow to approve assets if they are moved to a specific node or node of a specific nodetype. For this workflow, a special info field with the approval status must be defined. Also it needs an approval node where the asset will be moved to wait for the approval.


  • On asset added event: The added asset will be verified, if it is already approved and if the node is a public node.
  • If the asset must be approved, it will be directly moved to the approval folder.
  • In the approval folder, a specified user group can approve or deny the asset.
  • If the asset will be denied, it will be deleted from the approval folder and the status set to rejected.
  • If the asset will be approved, the asset will be moved back to the public folder and the status will be set to approved.
  • On version updated the workflow will also be triggered if the asset is in a public node. The asset will also change the status and be moved to the approval node.


To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/


type: String, required: yes, default: -

The license key for the plugin (product: assetApproval), provided by brix.


type: numbers, required: yes, default: -

With userGroupIds, groups will be defined which can approve or deny assets in the approval node.

e.g. 12,73,32


type: long, required: yes, default: -

With the approvalNodeId, the node will be defined where the assets will be moved to approve or deny them.

e.g. 1000


type: long, required: no, default: -

The publicNodeIds define which nodes are public. On these nodes the approval workflow will be started.

e.g. 12,73,32


type: Long, required: yes, default: -

The statusInfoFieldId defines which info field will be taken to save the status of the approval workflow.

e.g. 128

The info field must have following syntax. 1 -> new, 2 -> pending, 3 -> released, 4 -> denied

<dropdown id="?" name="Approval">
            <label messageKey="infofield.approval"/>
                <option index="1">
                    <label messageKey=""/>
                <option index="2">
                    <label messageKey="infofield.approval.pending"/>
                <option index="3">
                    <label messageKey="infofield.approval.released"/>
                <option index="4">
                    <label messageKey="infofield.approval.denied"/>

type: Long, required: yes, default: -

The assetTypesToApprove defines which types of Asset have to go through the workflow, assets of other types will be ignored (except when a *AlwaysToApprove property matches).

e.g. 1234,5678


type: String, required: no, default: -

The fileCategoryAlwaysToApprove defines a file category which always has to be approved (regardless of asset type or parent nodes).

e.g. VIDEO


type: List of Long, required: no, default: -

The parentNodesAlwaysToApprove defines parent nodes that always trigger an approval (regardless of asset- and file type)

e.g. VIDEO


type: Long, required: no, default: -

The nodeTypeId defines a node type, nodes with this nodeType will all be handled as a public node.

e.g. 109


Node structure

Approve Assets

Status Infofield

Compatibility Matrix

assetApproval CELUM (min. version)
1.0 - 1.1 5.12.4
1.2 - 1.3.0 5.13.1
1.3.1 - 1.5.0 5.13.3 (tested up to 6.8)
1.7.0 6.20
Nova Plugin CELUM (min. version)
1.0.1 6.9.3
1.0.2 6.11.0

Release Notes


Released 2017-09-29

Initial Version


Released 2017-10-11

Added NodeTypeId option


Released 2017-10-13

Added fileCategories option


Released 2019-01-25

Added license.


Released 2019-08-23

Fixed status being set when not necessary


Released 2021-01-06

Made the status values configurable


Released 2021-10-13

Nova compatibility


Released 2025-02-24

Compatibility with CELUM 6.20