Copy the anura-{version}.jar to {home}/appserver/lib
and update your {home}/appserver/conf/
The simplest possible configuration looks like this:
anura.license={delivered by brix}
Then restart your appserver. To test if it works, point your browser to http://your.celum.server/anura/first/
- there you should see some basic JSON about the endpoint:
"version": 2.5,
"status": 200,
"data": {
"apiVersion": 2.5,
"celumVersion": "5.12.4",
"userId": 123,
If it doesn't work, check the appserver.log
for ch.brix.anura-messages complaining about invalid configuration properties or license problems.
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
type: String, required: yes, default: -
The license for this plugin (determines validity, expiration date and how many endpoints you can add). This is delivered by brix after you supply the customer's name (xxx in {home}/appserver/conf/xxx.license.dat)
type: String, required: no, default:
0 0/5 * * * ?
How often to run the cleanup system tasks. This removes old cached entries and temporary files.
type: String, required: no, default:
0 0 0 * * ?
How often to run the cache flush task. This removes everything from all caches and is mostly there to force refreshes (when you want to push an update right away)
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
The back end supports multiple endpoints, so you can use several backing users and show different content, depending on the user's permission. These endpoints are separated by incrementing $i in anura.$i.propertyName, e.g.
You can also apply properties to all dispatchers by using ($i takes precedence)
In the following properties, $i = 1 will be used as an example.
type: String, required: yes, default: -
The name (whatever you like) where this endpoint can be reached at. This defines the URL that you'll use in the front end, e.g. -> https://your.celum.server/anura/foo/bar, and is the way that anura tells the different endpoints apart.
type: long, required: yes, default: -
The ID of the CELUM user that is used to evaluate all permissions of this endpoint. If you can't see something in anura, make sure the user that you've specified has the appropriate permissions in CELUM.
type: long, required: no, default:
Practically everything gets cached internally for performance reasons. This setting defines how long an individual cache entry lasts (in seconds) until it is either reloaded automatically (node structures) or evicted (everything else).
type: boolean, required: no, default:
, since 2.7.2
Whether to enable the internal RAM cache at all. It has the same effect as the request parameter cache=false
, but permanently.
This is only useful if you run Anura behind a CDN that does its own caching and you want to ensure that the upstream data is up-to-date after a flush in the CDN.
type: List of Strings (comma separated), required: no, default: -
Only answer requests from certain IPs or IP-ranges (CIDR notation is supported). E.g.,
If CELUM is running behind a reverse proxy, the original IP may not be retained (i.e. it's always the reverse proxy's one). You may need to configure the reverse proxy to send the original IP (Apache:
RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For
or nginxproxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
) and turn on the remote IP valve CELUM's Appserver (in/opt/celum/appserver/conf/server.xml
, add<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve" />
to the<Host>
type: boolean, required: no, default:
Force even single file downloads to be delivered in a ZIP.
type: boolean, required: no, default:
since 2.8.8,false
before that
Relay redirects internally instead of forwarding. Usually, requests to preview files etc. are relayed to the storage server with a HTTP redirect. This can cause problems when you employ caching reverse proxies, load balancers or use CDN services for that purpose (such as cloudflare, akamai etc.). When set to true, redirects will be followed internally, so every response appears to be coming from the appserver (and hence can be cached).
Cache poisons:
and depending on your use case alsotoken
(this will bypass authentications that use token!).
You should exclude these GET parameters when generating the cache ID (as these may change but represent the same content).
If you want to cache binary files for a different amount of time than the JSON responses (and you can't use the MIME type), the relevant parameters of are:
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default: -
Download format IDs that should be accessible directly in the menu (0 is interpreted original). Note that this does not consider if this asset is actually available in this format, as the SDK can't answer this question yet, so you should probably only use this on formats that always work, such as the original.
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default:
Node type IDs to show in the detail view's path information. This basically behaves like the "keyword paths" feature in CELUM 4 and mostly exists for backwards compatibility.
type: boolean, required: no, default: true
Stops recursing on tree calls when there are no children, because there's no point in showing loads of empty children. Only works when the asset_count
argument is provided (otherwise it doesn't count at all).
type: String, required: no, default:
Name of the relation to consider being a "linked asset", see {home}/appserver/spring/asset-relations.xml -> property id="your-id" (e.g. languageVariant
type: int, required: no, default:
The maximum number of linked assets to load.
type: String, required: no, default: from, since: 2.9
The direction of the relation, either "from" (default) or "to".
type: bean name, required: no, default: -
Custom bean that loads additional information in node referencing infofields, such as information fields on the referenced node. Must implement the NodeInfoProvider interface:
package ch.brix.anura.provider;
public interface NodeInfoProvider {
String getInfo(InformationFieldValue<?, ?> info, Node node, Locale locale);
type: bean name, required: no, default: anuraDefaultDownloader
Custom bean to handle asset downloads differently (e.g. prompt for login or reason etc). Known implementations:
- list of download format IDs to require a login for, e.g. 1,2,3
. Since 2.6.8 you can also pass -1
to require a login for every format. require_mail
so you don't need to show an intermediate screen just for that input.
- also requires a reason (text area) to be filled out. Default is false
- Custom CSS to add to the mail input, e.g. .something {foo: bar;}
- whether the permissions for each asset should be evaluated. This splits the request into two packages and displays, which you can download straight away and which you have to order. Turn this off to always send the user to the assetOrder page, regardless of asset permissions.anuraMailInputDownloader
, but expects a claim email
or user: {email}
comtaining the users Email address in the JWTMust implement the DownloadHandler interface:
public interface DownloadHandler {
void download(AnuraRequest request, AnuraResponse response, AnuraConfig config, List<DownloadRequest> download, Locale locale) throws Exception;
This property is subject to license restrictions. If you've configured it but it doesn't do anything, check the
for license errors - the property might have been dropped.
type: bean name, required: no, default: -
Custom bean to resolve where the video file comes from (e.g. some CDN) when using the built-in video player. Must implement the VideoStreamProvider interface. If none is provided (and no videoPlayerProvider is configured), the video preview from the storage server is used. Known implementations:
- ID of the information field to read the file URL part from, e.g. 101
- Static prefix for the URL, e.g.
- Static suffix for the URL, e.g. .mp4
- required, the description of the PublicURL (it's more of a key than a description, but that's what they call it), e.g. mobile
- the provider of the PublicURL, e.g. YouTube
- the instance of the PublicURL, usually emptyMust implement the VideoStreamProvider interface:
package ch.brix.anura.provider;
public interface VideoStreamProvider {
String getVideoUrl(AssetId assetId, AnuraConfig config);
type: bean name, required: no, default: -
Custom bean to resolve what video player URL (e.g. vimeo) to use. When configured, this will take precedence over the videoStreamProvider. Known implementations:
- ID of the information field to read the player URL part from, e.g. 101
- Static prefix for the URL, e.g.
- Static suffix for the URL, e.g. ?autoplay=true
- required, the description of the PublicURL (it's more of a key than a description, but that's what they call it), e.g. mobile
- the provider of the PublicURL, e.g. YouTube
- the instance of the PublicURL, usually emptyMust implement the VideoPlayerProvider interface:
package ch.brix.anura.provider;
public interface VideoPlayerProvider {
String getVideoPlayer(AssetId assetId, AnuraConfig config, boolean autoplay);
type: string, required: no, default: -
Performs arbitrary search & replace on generated video URLs (only works together with videoReplaceString).
Use Case: Some players pass their player ID (look and feel) in their public URL, but it's always the same. This way you can smiply override this on a per-dispatcher basis.
type: string, required: no, default: -
Performs arbitrary search & replace on generated video URLs (only works together with videoSearchRegex).
type: List of String (comma separated), required: no, default:
Blacklists certain asset properties from being delivered in the asset details response - one of name
, asset_type
, created
, modified
, extension
, filesize
, downloadable
, dpi
, duration
, dimensions
, aspect_ratio
, colorspace
, profile
, codec
, pages
, vector
, raster
, duration
, scanType
, frameRate
, channel
, bitRate
, sampleRate
, artist
, trackTitle
, albumTitle
, trackNumber
, year
, genre
, original_name
, preview_dimensions
, version
, versioned
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default: -, since: 2.9
The inverse of propertyBlacklist. When defined, the blacklist will be ignored.
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default: -
Blacklist certain download formats (because of the SDK issue where you can only get download format permissions based on the file extension, rather than based on the actual asset).
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default: -, since: 2.9
The inverse of downloadFormatBlacklist. When defined, the blacklist will be ignored.
type: String, required: no, default: -
Custom CSS to add to the built-in video player page.
type: List of String (comma separated), required: no, default: -
Specify alternative preview images if the asset doesn't have one. By default, the generic CELUM placeholder image is used. You can override this by file category, e.g. default=/images/default-dummy.jpg,image=/images/image-dummy.jpg,video=/images/video-dummy.jpg
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default: -
IDs of additional asset information fields to send with every asset response. Less is more, but it may be useful for asset markers etc.
type: List of long (comma separated), required: no, default: -
IDs of additional node information fields to send with every tree response. Less is more, but it may be useful for asset markers etc.
type: bean name, required: no, default: -
Custom bean to do verify access tokens sent via the token parameter. This is useful when anura is running in a login-protected CMS environment.
In that case the CMS would create/store tokens (here's an example using JWT) and pass it as &token=...
In your custom verifier, you'd then go ask the CMS if it knows a given token (and cache that for a bit!).
Known implementations:
property (built-in).
The corresponding JS for the front-end would be $.anura.tokenProvider = function () {return 'sameStaticTokenAsInTheProperty';};
(e.g. with the provided token. HTTP 200 indicates success. since 2.8anura.1.jwtSecretKey
(at least 256bit) to be set. This allows you to generate a JWT somewhere else, without the need for CELUM to call that service to verify the token's validity. Note that the JWT must contain an expiration date (exp
). since 2.9anura-login-token.jar
extension and an interceptor on the front-end. Note that the flow is slightly different in this case:
Custom implementations must implement the CustomSearchProvider
package ch.brix.anura.verifier;
import ch.brix.anura.model.AnuraConfig;
public interface TokenVerifier {
boolean isValid(AnuraConfig config, String token); // go ask the CMS (or whatever) if a given token is valid (and please cache it!)
This property is subject to license restrictions. If you've configured it but it doesn't do anything, check the
for license errors - the property might have been dropped.
type: bean name, required: no, default: -, since: 2.7.0
Custom search parser based on the optional search_custom parameter. Through this mechanism you can implement your own business logic and return an SDK AssetFilter
that will then be applied in addition to all other search parameters (AND).
There are no known public implementations. Custom implementations must implement the CustomSearchProvider
import ch.brix.anura.model.AnuraConfig;
public interface CustomSearchProvider {
AssetFilter parseCustomSearch(String request, AnuraConfig anuraConfig, Locale locale);
type: String, required: no, default: -, since: 2.7.3
Enforces an additional, global view restriction in every response, expressed through a search filter. This filter gets applied to whatever else is happening through an AND operation. This way the asset either doesn't show up in a list response, or it triggers a not found (404) in direct queries.
The syntax is the same as the API's search, but without the search_
prefix. You can combine them via &
Example: anura.1.globalFilter=infofield=137,null,now
- filters on the information field with the ID 137 (a date field) and looks for a date between whenever and now. This simulates the Asset Availability feature, but with a custom information field.
Example: anura.1.globalFilter=infofield=137,null,now&infofield=275,3
- same as before, but additionally require the "approval state" dropdown (ID 275 in this case) to be "approved" (3rd value of the dropdown).
type: bean name, required: no, default: -
What method to use to provide faceted search. The only known implementation is anuraSolrSearchRequestHandler
, which requires you to have setup your SOLR server accordingly.
type: boolean, required: no, default: true
Enables on-the-fly ZIP generation as soon as the first download is ready. Turn this off to wait for all conversions to have finished instead (as in 2.7 and before). since 2.8
type: String, required: no, default: -, since 2.8.5
Allows you to pass arbitrary headers in every response in the form of anura.1.header.<key>=<value>
. Default is (as of 2.9.37):*,Content-Disposition,Content-Length,Content-Type,ETag,Date,Last-Modified,Transfer-Encoding
type: boolean, required: no, default: false, since 2.9
Deliver thumb/preview urls in list responses, saving you calls to, but making the response bigger. Currently not used by any main view (yet).
type: NodeId, required: no, default: true, since 2.9
For the PIN creation feature, defines a parent node where collections for the PINs will be added. Ensure that the back-end user has the required permissions (add node, add asset to node, create PIN).
Required if you want to use pin: true in anuraBasket or in the API.
type: List of long, required: no, default:
, since 2.9
For the PIN creation feature, defines a list of download format IDs that should be available on the PIN. Note that enabling this setting will cause the PIN to be generated outside the SDK, as it doesn't support that yet.
type: int, required: no, default:
, since 2.9
For the PIN creation feature, defines the number of days that the PIN should be valid for. Note that enabling this setting will cause the PIN to be generated outside the SDK, as it doesn't support that yet.
type: bean name, required: no, default:-, since 2.9
A listener to track every request/response - a custom bean implementing AnalyticsListener:
import ch.brix.anura.model.*;
public interface AnalyticsListener {
void track(AnuraRequest request, AnuraResponse response, AnuraConfig config);
This tracks every interaction, cached or not, except when no dispatcher could be found.
type: list of String, required: no, default:
, since 2.9
Which 3D-formats to deliver as an original file (for interactive preview) when &type=3D
is set in a preview
request. Note that this implicitly allows/needs downloading the original format.
type: bean name, required: no, default: -
Custom bean that loads asset review components. Known implementations:
Must implement the ReviewProvider interface:
package ch.brix.anura.provider;
public interface ReviewProvider {
AnuraReviews getReviews(Asset asset, AnuraConfig anuraConfig);
AnuraReviewResponse saveReview(AssetId assetId, AnuraReview anuraReview, AnuraConfig config);
type: long, required: no, default: -, since 2.9
Instead of reporting the creation date as-is, try to use an information field (of type date) as the creation date. Note that the information field should be present on all asset types, otherwise sorting by creation date will be wonky.
type: boolean, required: no, default: true (since 2.9.11), since 2.9.11
Instead of using CELUM's default video.js, just rely on the browser's video player (through the <video>
type: boolean, required: no, default: true, since 2.9.15
When entering multiple fulltext search terms, OR them. Set to false
to use AND instead (as if you had wrapped the terms in quotes) - this will drastically reduce the number of results, which is why it's on by default. Note that this is just the default value for the parameter search_text_or_mode, so you can still override it in a query.
type: String, required: no, default: -, since 2.9.12
Look for subtitle files using the provided relation type, only relevant when using videoPlayerNoJs
type: List of String, required: no, default: vtt,ttml,txt,xml, since 2.9.12
Which subtitle files are supported through videoSubtitlesRelation
. Usually browsers support vtt
and ttml
(but CELUM doesn't understand them yet, so they are represented as txt
and xml
respectively. This is hopefully a temporary workaround.)
type: String, required: no, default: -, since 2.9.13
When providing subtitles, use this infofield as the name of the subtitle (instead of the asset name), only relevant when using videoSubtitlesRelation
. E.g. a language dropdown/keyword.
type: String, required: no, default: -, since 2.9.13
Use a localized textarea to provide WEBVTT subtitles, only relevant when using videoPlayerNoJs
and NOT using videoSubtitlesRelation
type: bean name, required: no, default: -, _since 2.9.33
When present, all preview and thumbnail URLs are sent to the watermarkProvider, resulting in a modified URL with the configured settings applied.
Enabling anura.1.relayRedirects
is strongly recommended - otherwise the watermarked URL gets exposed and is then modifiable by the end-user, circumventing the entire point.
Known implementations:
to be configured, e.g. http://localhost:8888/whatever/filter:watermark(http://some.png,center,center,50,50,50)/
)CELUM | anura |
5.12.4 - 5.13.4 | 2.0.x - 2.6.x |
5.13.4 - 6.3 | 2.7 |
6.4+ | 2.8 |
6.8+ (tested up to 6.16) | 2.9 |
6.16+ | 3.0 |
6.20+ | 3.1 |
anuraMovingImage | mi24 |
1.0 - 1.2 | 1.1 |
1.3 | 2.4 |
anuraVimeo | vimeoConnect |
1.0 | up to 1.15 |
1.1 | from 1.16 |
Released 2015-10-16
Released 2016-05-16
Released 2016-07-27
Released 2017-01-03
Released 2017-04-05
Released 2017-07-18
Released 2018-04-05
Released 2019-06-19
instead of ,
and added the staticTokenVerifiercustomSearchProvider
Released 2020-01-13
as a new TokenVerifieranura.1.zipStreamingEnabled
Released 2021-08-18
Released 2024-07-09
Released 2028-01-31