The "Asset Validation" plugin allows to validate assets and marks them if they do not pass the validation.
To be configured in {home}/appserver/conf/
type: String, required: yes, default: -
License key (delivered by brix Solutions AG)
type: List of String (comma-separated), required: yes, default: -
This property takes a list of all validators that are enabled.
Every validator has its own properties. For every validator, the following properties are the same. Replace validatorName
with the name of the validator specified in the section for the validator further down.
type: long, required: no, default: -
If this property is set, the valid assets are collected in the configured node. This can help to find the valid assets and get an overview. Initially, all the assets can be validated and added to the node by running the "Revalidate Assets"-Task in "General"-Tab in System Tasks.
type: long, required: no, default: -
If this property is set, the invalid assets are collected in the configured node. This can help to find the valid assets and get an overview. Initially, all the assets can be validated and added to the node by running the "Revalidate Assets"-Task in "General"-Tab in System Tasks.
type: String, required: no, default: -
This property takes a 16x16 px image which is shown on invalid assets.
NOTE: to show the bullet, the validatorName needs to be added to the list of bullets in the property "guiPlugin.bullets.asset=". This property is global and may be also used by other plugins. If not, the celum bullets need to be added to the list, e.g. guiPlugin.bullets.asset=noAssetType,invalidInformationFields,unlinked,unreleased,availability,locked,duplicate,conversionStatus,fileTypeWhitelistValdiator
This validator takes a list of allowed file extensions.
type: List of String (comma-separated), required: yes, default: -
All file extensions set in this property are allowed. Assets with one of these extensions are valid.
type: InformationFieldId, required: no, default: -
Sets the checkbox to true if the validation is true.
This validator takes a list of forbidden file extensions.
type: List of String (comma-separated), required: yes, default: -
All file extensions set in this property are prohibited. Assets with one of these extensions are invalid.
type: InformationFieldId, required: no, default: -
Sets the checkbox to true if the validation is true.
This validator takes a minimum density for assets to be valid.
type: Boolean, required: yes, default: false
If this property is set to true, the asset has a valid density if there is no density given on the asset.
type: Long, required: yes, default: -
This property takes the minimum required density for an asset to be valid.
type: InformationFieldId, required: no, default: -
Sets the checkbox to true if the validation is true.
This valdiator takes a minWidth and / or minHeight in pixels an image must have.
type: String, required: no, default: OR
This property can be set to 'OR' or 'AND'. 'OR': The image needs to have either minWidht or minHeight to be valid. 'AND': An image needs to have minWidth and minHeight to be valid.
type: long, required: no, default: 0
This property takes the minWidth an image must have. Note: If the imageResolution.mode is set to OR a valid image may not have the set minWidth since the minHeigt may be reached.
type: long, required: no, default: 0
This property takes the minHeight an image must have. Note: If the imageResolution.mode is set to OR a valid image may not have the set minHeight since the minWidth may be reached.
type: InformationFieldId, required: no, default: -
Sets the checkbox to true if the validation is true.
This Validator takes a list of forbidden strings that are not allowed in the asset name.
type: List of String (comma-separated), required: yes, default: -
This property takes a list of strings that are not allowed in the asset name.
type: InformationFieldId, required: no, default: -
Sets the checkbox to true if the validation is true.
type: string, required: yes, default: -
This property sets the mouseover-title on the bullet. For multilanguage-support, add your messages to appserver/lang/
and use the key here.
Using two validators, one for density and one for resolution:
Asset Validator | CELUM (min. version) |
1.0 | 5.12.4 |
1.4 | 6.20 |
Released 2018-06-15
Initial Version
Released 2018-06-20
Added Blacklist Filetype Validator
Released 2021-01-20
Released 2025-02-13
Compatibility with CELUM 6.20
© brix Solutions AG