
<anura-select adapter="some-adapter" source="123"></anura-select>

A multi-select component with filtering capabilities

Screenshot of anura-select



required: yes, live: no, default: -

With which adapter to talk to (to load the values from)

<anura-select adapter="#my-adapter"></anura-select>


required: yes, live: on-load, default: -

What metadata field to query in order to get the possible values from. The value type will depend on the adapter that you're using (usually an ID or a UUID)

<anura-select source="123"></anura-select>


required: no, live: yes, default: true

How to handle the search field, possible values:

  • true - search field is available, but must be toggled through the search-icon

  • false - the search field is not available

  • visible - the search field is visible without having to toggle it

<anura-select filter="visible"></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-load, default: false

Whether to use radio buttons (i.e. only allow a single selection) instead of checkboxes

<anura-select radio="true"></anura-select>


required: no, live: set by component, default: -

The value deriving from the inputs (comma-separated). Can be used to set an initial value, but will only be written to by the component afterwards.

<anura-select value="103"></anura-select>


required: no, live: set by component, default: -

The type of field that should be affected. This will be set by your adapter and is specific to the implementation. Don't touch this.


required: no, live: on-change, default: false

Whether the title that is displayed inside the select box should still be visible when values are selected. Given the screenshot above:

  • false: "Approval: Released, Pending, New"
  • true: "Released, Pending, New"

<anura-select hide-title="true"></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-load, default: name-asc

How the options should be sorted, e.g. name-desc or id-asc (-asc is optional/default). Available keys are name, id, value and order, but it depends on your DAM if they are present or make sense.

<anura-select sort="name-desc"></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-change, default: -

CELUM only, use a different root node for node-referencing fields (needs to reside beneath the actual root node).

<anura-select root-node="123"></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-change, default: 3

CELUM only, when loading a tree, how many child-levels should be fetched

<anura-select depth="3"></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-change, default: -

CELUM only, when loading a tree, how many parent-levels should be skipped (child-nodes will be merged into one big list)

<anura-select skip-levels="1"></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-change, default: -

Sharedien only, when setting the type to relation, you need to set the entity type of the relation (in addition to the relation identifier as source)

<anura-select type="relation" value-type="my-entity-type" source="my-relation-type""></anura-select>


required: no, live: on-load, default: true

Set this to false to disable faceted search for this component.

<anura-select facets="false"></anura-select>



standard change event

Fired when the user selects values in the dropdown


<header part="header">
    <span part="header-title"></span>
    <span part="header-value"></span>
    <button part="select-button header-clear">
        <anura-icon part="header-icon header-icon-clear"></anura-icon>
    <button part="select-button header-toggle">
        <anura-icon part="header-icon header-icon-toggle"></anura-icon>
<fieldset part="fieldset">
    <div part="fieldset-title">
        <label part="fieldset-label"></label>
        <span part="fieldset-counter"></span>
        <button part="fieldset-reset"></button>
        <button part="select-button fieldset-filter">
            <anura-icon part="select-icon select-icon-search"></anura-icon>
        <button part="select-button fieldset-close" id="fieldset-close" tabindex="1">
            <anura-icon part="select-icon select-icon-close" icon="x"></anura-icon>
    <input part="fieldset-search">
    <div part="fieldset-body">
        <label part="select-label">
            <input part="select-input">
            <span part="select-name"></span>
            <span part="select-count"></span>
        <!-- labels repeat here -->