
<anura-table adapter="some-adapter" search="anura-tree" aria-live="polite">
    <anura-col name="thumbnail"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="assetName" sort="name"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="metadata-123" width="20%"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="buttons"></anura-col>

Screenshot of <anura-table>

By default, the table has 3 columns (thumbnail, assetName, actions) and an <anura-paginator> at the bottom.



required: yes, live: no, default: -

With which adapter to talk to (for translations and suggestions)

<anura-table adapter="#my-adapter"></anura-table>


required: probably, live: on-load, default: thumbnail,assetName,actions

What columns to show. Note that this offers no way of customizing the columns -> define anura-cols instead for more control.

<anura-table columns="thumbnail,assetName"></anura-table>

required: when no node is provided, live: yes, default: -

Which component the table should get its instructions from, e.g.:

  • anura-tree
  • anura-searchbar
  • anura-select

You can combine multiple search components, e.g. anura-tree,anura-searchbar, which will be ANDed together. Depending on where they live, you may use a selector such as aside > *.

<anura-table search="#sidebar > *"></anura-table>


required: when no search is provided, live: yes, default: -

The content of which node that the table should display. This will cause the gallery to ask its adapter for the content of said node.

<anura-table node="4123"></anura-table>


required: no, live: yes, default: -

How the displayed assets should be sorted by default, ending in either _asc or _desc. The exact wording will depend on your adapter, e.g. name_asc. Known values:

  • Bynder: name, dateCreated, dateModified, datePublished
  • CELUM: id, name, uploaddate, lastmodified, extension, assettype, score, original(name), (file)size, info_{id}, default is id
  • Sharedien: relevance, file_name, system_import_date, default is relevance

<anura-table sort="uploaddate_desc"></anura-table>


required: no, live: on-load, default: 50

How many assets should be displayed at once on a page.

<anura-table page-size="42"></anura-table>


required: no, live: yes, default: -

Where an instance of <anura-basket> can be found to collect assets in, e.g. #my-basket. Attempts auto-detection of anura-basket

<anura-table basket="#my-basket"></anura-table>


required: no, live: on-load, default: -

Which download format to use for the quick download button, e.g. Original. NOT RECOMMENDED, specifying nothing makes an download format selector appear.

<anura-table quick-download="6"></anura-table>

required: no, live: yes, default: creates one

Where an instance of <anura-lightbox> can be found to display assets in, e.g. #my-lightbox. When none is provided or detected, a "blank" lightbox will be appended to the body. This can be prevented by passing lightbox="false", in which case nothing will happen.

<anura-table lightbox="#my-lightbox"></anura-table>


required: no, live: on-load, default: 'download,basket'

Which buttons to show in the buttons column, and in what order. Known values are checkbox, download and basket (requires basket to be set).

This is a top-level attribute (instead of on the anura-col) for consistency across other components.

<anura-table buttons="basket"></anura-table>

required: no, live: yes, default: false

Whether the table header should be sticky when scrolling.

  • --table-stiky-offset may be used to set a vertical offset for a sticky header
  • --table-header-color should be set to the page's background color

<anura-table sticky-header></anura-table>


required: no, live: yes, default: true

Whether the table rows should expand to a card-like view on mobile for better legibility.

Screenshot of a mobile card row

Note that this assumes (via grid-template-columns) that you have thumbnail- and action-columns enabled.

<anura-table mobile-cards="false"></anura-table>


required: no, live: yes, default: true

When using mobile-cards, display the former table headers as prefixes in the vertical view, e.g. "Perspektive: Seitenansicht" instead of just "Seitenansicht".

<anura-table mobile-labels="false"></anura-table>


required: no, live: on-load, default: -

Whether to enable a hover-preview when the mouse hovers over the thumbnail.

  • --hover-max-width and --hover-max-height default to 500px

<anura-table hover-preview></anura-table>

Screenshot of a hover  preview


required: no, live: on-load, default: -

Whether to offer resize handles on columns. Note that the tracking may not match up 1:1 with the mouse movement due to the table layout being fixed.

<anura-table resizeable></anura-table>

Screenshot of a resize handle


  • --thumbnail-border-radius inherits from --border-radius
  • --thumbnail-background-color defaults to transparent
  • --hover-color the accent color for the row the mouse is hovering over



{details: {node: nodeId, search: search-terms, keepContent: bool, pageRequest: pageRequest}}

When the gallery is loading new assets, either through a node or a search request. A good time to clear counters and such.


{details: {total: totalCount, assets: AnuraAsset[], pageRequest: pageRequest}}

When assets have been loaded (through whatever mechanism), informs other components (such as anura-paginator) about the total number of assets, the new assets themselves, as well as the pageRequest (contains current paging information).


{details: {asset: assetData, instance: trInstance}}

When an individual <tr> has been added to the table. Useful when you want to tweak something.

paginate (inbound)


Instruct anura-gallery to display the provided page number - used by anura-paginator to tell the gallery to advance to an arbitrary page. Note that the page number is currently not validated, so sending a non-existent page number may lead to undefined behaviour.


{details: {asset: assetData}}

When an individual anura-asset has been clicked on. By default this triggers the <anura-lightbox> unless lightbox="false" is set.


  • header - the header slot will appear before the table.

  • footer - the footer slot will appear at the very end.

  • paginator - configure your own paginator. Default is <anura-paginator>

    <anura-table adapter="some-adapter" aria-live="polite">
      <anura-paginator slot="paginator" mode="auto" detect-scroll="false"></anura-paginator>

When using the built-in components, the part selector might be anura-gallery::part(paginator-button), but when you declare your own it changes to anura-paginator::part(paginator-button), as it is no longer part of the gallery.


<table part="asset-container">
    <colgroup part="table-colgroup">
      <col part="anura-col-$name anura-col-at-$index">
    <thead part="table-thead">
        <tr part="table-thead-tr">
          <th part="anura-th-$name anura-th-at-$index"></th>
    <tbody part="table-tbody"></tbody>
<slot id="column-template"></slot>
<figure part="table-previewer">
    <img part="table-previewer-image">
    <figcaption part="table-previewer-caption"></figcaption>
<slot name="paginator"></slot>


Just a configuration object to define column properties for anura-table

  • name - what column to show. Built-in are thumbnail, assetName and buttons (formerly actions).
    • Metadata columns are prefixed with metadata-, e.g. metadata-description to show a field called description. Depending on the adapter, you may need to preload these in the adapter (CELUM, Sharedien).
  • sort - indicate that this field is sortable, and what its sort-key is (as this depends on your DAM), e.g. sort="name" will set the sort order to name_asc / name_desc when the column header is clicked. More fine-grained control is available through the sort-asc and sort-desc properties, e.g. <anura-col sort-asc="upwards" sort-desc="downwards"> (again, depending on your DAM).
  • title - override the title (either built-in or fetched from the name of the metadata field on display)
    • title-{locale} - override the title for a given locale, e.g. title-en="Hi" title-de="Hallo"
  • width - how wide the column should be (any CSS unit), defaults to auto.
  • style - for convenience, e.g. text-align: end for numbers
  • postprocessor - name of a postprocessor that should be applied to the cell content. Known implementations:
    • markdown - render the cell's text as Markdown
    • date - treat the cell as a date and format it (depends on your DAM) - reads an attribute date-format which must contain a valid format, default is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss
    • bytes - if you need to control how the file size is formatted - reads an attribute decimals controls the decimal precision, e.g. 2 => 2.47 MB, 0 => 2 MB, default is 2


<some-adapter url="https://some.where" infofields="128,107,160"></some-adapter>

<anura-table adapter="some-adapter" sort="name_asc" aria-live="polite">
    <anura-col name="thumbnail"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="assetName" sort="name" title="Demo"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="metadata-128" width="15%"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="metadata-107" width="10%" sort="info_107" postprocessor="date" date-format="yy/mm"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="metadata-160" width="50%" postprocessor="markdown"></anura-col>
    <anura-col name="buttons"></anura-col>

String interpolation

If you want to customize the content of a particular <anura-col>, you have full access to the string interpolation features, e.g. show an icon in front of the asset name based on a checkbox:

<anura-col name="assetName" sort="name">
    <img if="${asset.metadata[110].rawValue}" equals="true" src="">