Simple search input with optional siggestions (depends on the adapter)
required: yes, live: no, default: -
With which adapter to talk to (for translations and suggestions)
<anura-searchbar adapter="#my-adapter"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: true
Show suggested search terms (in a datalist) for auto-completion. Quality and availability depends on the adapter.
<anura-searchbar suggest="false"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: 0
When suggest
is active, remember the last n submitted search terms and suggest those as well.
<anura-searchbar remember="10"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: true
Whether to show a small "x" at the end to clear the input.
<anura-searchbar reset="false"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: no, default: true
Whether to update the URL to persist the currently selected node (for sharing the link). This will use the components id
to differentiate itself from other components.
If you don't provide an ID, a hash of the component will be used. Set it to false
to not keep any state at all.
<anura-searchbar state="false"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: false
Whether to show a small dropdown where the user can select if the search terms should be ANDed or ORed.
<anura-searchbar mode-select></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: and
Whether the search terms should be ANDed od ORed (support depends on the adapter).
<anura-searchbar mode="or"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: -
Proxy mode for another <anura-searchbar>
, executes the search over there (must be querySelect
<anura-searchbar adapter="..." proxy-for="#main-search"><!-- lives somewhere in a corner -->
<!-- other stuff -->
<anura-searchbar adapter="..." id="main-search"><!-- thee component actually triggering the search -->
required: no, live: on-change, default: -
Only for proxy mode, closes an open anura-modal
(must be querySelect
able), probably the one this component lives in.
<anura-searchbar close-modal="#my-modal"></anura-searchbar>
required: no, live: on-change, default: -
When using it as a global search input, you may want to reset other search controls before searching.
<anura-searchbar reset-before-search="#my-tree"></anura-searchbar>
The value attribute is set by the component, as if it were a regular input field.
standard change event
Fired when the user submits the search either by pressing the search button or by hitting enter.
<form part="searchbar-form">
<input part="searchbar-child searchbar-input">
<button part="searchbar-child searchbar-button searchbar-reset"></button>
<button part="searchbar-child searchbar-button searchbar-submit"></button>
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