
<anura-map adapter="some-adapter" source="some-geo-field" aria-live="polite"></anura-map>

Screenshot of <anura-map>

Displays a map, with geolocated assets as marker pins. This requires that your DAM has geo-capable metadata fields, in order to perform the "is in area" query (i.e. only Sharedien for now).

This component is a hybrid between a content- and a search-component, as the viewport displays assets and acts as a search source (e.g. has a value).

It is based on the wonderful

therefore, this component has dependencies on* (i.e. an internet connection).

this package is not included in the anura-components file for this reason - you need to <script type="module" src="?/components/anura-map.js"></script> it separately.



required: yes, live: no, default: -

With which adapter to talk to (for translations and suggestions)

<anura-map adapter="#my-adapter"></anura-map>


required: yes, live: yes, default: -

Which metadata field contains the geolocation information.

<anura-map source="my_geo_field"></anura-map>

required: no, live: yes, default: -

Which component the table should get its instructions from, e.g.:

  • anura-tree
  • anura-searchbar
  • anura-select

You can combine multiple search components, e.g. anura-tree,anura-searchbar, which will be ANDed together. Depending on where they live, you may use a selector such as aside > *.

<anura-map search="#my-sidebar > *></anura-map>


required: no, live: yes, default: -

The content of which node that the table should display. This will cause the gallery to ask its adapter for the content of said node.

<anura-map node="4123"></anura-map>


Inherited, but it has no meaningful effect (because assets are displayed at their location on the map).


required: no, live: on-load, default: 50

How many assets should be displayed at once on a page. In contrast to other components, it is recommended that you set this to something big, as the map will paginate internally until all assets are loaded.

<anura-map page-size="42"></anura-map>


required: no, live: yes, default: -

Where an instance of <anura-basket> can be found to collect assets in, e.g. #my-basket. Attempts auto-detection of anura-basket.

<anura-map basket="#my-basket"></anura-map>

required: no, live: yes, default: creates one

Where an instance of <anura-lightbox> can be found to display assets in, e.g. #my-lightbox. When none is provided or detected, a "blank" lightbox will be appended to the body. This can be prevented by passing lightbox="false", in which case nothing will happen.

<anura-map lightbox="#my-lightbox"></anura-map>


required: no, live: yes, default: 46.801111,8.226667

What the default center of you map should be, e.g. 47.55966,7.59551

<anura-map center="47.55966,7.59551"></anura-map>


required: no, live: yes, default: 8

What the default zoom level should be (may depend on your choice of layers).

<anura-map zoom="9"></anura-map>


required: no, live: yes, default: osm

What map layers should be made available for selection (comma separated). Known layers:

  • osm - Open Street Map
  • osm-topo - Open Street Map, topological view
  • swisstopo - Official Swiss map by Swisstopo (only covers Switzerland)
  • swisstopo-mono - same as above, but monochrome
  • swissimage - Official Swiss satellite imagery (only covers Switzerland)

Note that Leaflet defaults to the last one to be the active one for some reason.

<anura-map layers="swisstopo,swissimage,osm"></anura-map>


required: no, live: on-load, default: true

Whether to offer a fullscreen button on the map.

<anura-map fullscreen="false"></anura-map>

value (read-only)

The current viewport of the map, e.g. 48.253941,4.515381x45.305803,11.942139 read as top-left x bottom-right coordinates.


  • --marker-fill-color inherits from --button-color
  • --marker-stroke-color: inherits from --button-font-color



Regular change event, when the map viewport changes (moved, zoomed).


{details: {node: nodeId, search: search-terms, keepContent: bool, pageRequest: pageRequest}}

When the gallery is loading new assets, either through a node or a search request. A good time to clear counters and such.


{details: {total: totalCount, assets: AnuraAsset[], pageRequest: pageRequest}}

When assets have been loaded (through whatever mechanism), informs other components (such as anura-paginator) about the total number of assets, the new assets themselves, as well as the pageRequest (contains current paging information).


{details: {asset: assetData, adapter: adapter, dom: asset-instance}}

When an asset has been added to the map. Useful when you want to tweak something.


{details: selectedAssets}

When a change to the selected assets occurs and the component updates its selected attribute.


{details: {asset: assetData}}

When an individual anura-asset has been clicked on. By default this triggers the <anura-lightbox> unless lightbox="false" is set.


  • header - the header slot will appear before the table.

  • footer - the footer slot will appear at the very end.

  • asset - configure your own asset. Default is <anura-asset>

    <anura-map adapter="some-adapter" aria-live="polite">
      <anura-asset slot="asset" buttons="download,details"></anura-asset>


<div part="map"></div>