![Advanced-UI](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=UI&message=Advanced&color=lightgrey) ![NOVA-UI](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=UI&message=NOVA&color=blue) Plugin to rotate images and videos. The plugin has a large live preview. [MINITOC] ## Properties To be configured in *{home}/appserver/conf/custom.properties*. ##### imageRotator.license > type: String, **required: yes**, default: - License key (delivered by brix IT Solutions) ##### imageRotator.allowedUserGroupIds= > type: List of long (comma-separated), required: no, default: - Restrict the use of the plugin to these user group IDs (superadmins always see it in any case). ##### imageRotator.commands.imageMagick.convert.exe= > type: String, **required: yes**, default: - Path to convert.exe (imageMagick tool) ##### imageRotator.commands.exiftool.exe= > type: String, **required: yes**, default: - Path to exiftool.exe ##### imageRotator.commands.jpegtran.exe= > type: String, required: no, default: - If the property is not set, imageMagick is used to rotate. >>> Rotating via jpegtran only works correctly for images with a certain height and width (see [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14612809/jpegtran-exe-not-correctly-rotating-image)) Path to jpegtran.exe for Windows Installations (exe can be downloaded [here](https://jpegclub.org/jpegtran/)). For Linux, install it through `yum install libjpeg` or `apt install libjpeg-progs` respectively. Once installed it should be in /usr/bin/jpegtran For manual installation on Linux of the latest Version, download the files [here](http://www.ijg.org/files/), afterwards unpack it to a directory, for example /opt/celum/conversiontools/jpegtran, go to the directory that contains the uncompressed code, execute `./configure` and then, `make install`. Now you should find the executable as `jpegtran` in the directory. ##### imageRotator.whiteListOfImageFormatsForMetadataRotation= > type: String, required: no, default: jpg,jpeg,tif,tiff,dng,mp4,mov,m4v Whitelist of image formats for meta-data rotation ##### imageRotator.whiteListOfImageFormatsForToolRotation= > type: String, required: no, default: png Whitelist of image formats for tool rotation ##### imageRotator.autoRotationFix= > type: Boolean, required: no, default: false AutoFix of images with orientation number 5 & 7 , if enabled ##### imageRotator.uploadNodeId= > type: int, required: no, default: - NodeId for upload when adding as new asset. When not set, the asset is uploaded to the same node as the original asset. ##### imageRotator.videoFormats= > type: String, required: no, default: mp4,mov,m4v Supported video formats. ## Screenshots ![imageRotator1](imageRotator1.PNG) ![imageRotator2](imageRotator2.PNG)![imageRotator3](imageRotator3.PNG)![imageRotatorAssetVersions](imageRotatorAssetVersions.PNG) ## Compatibility Matrix | Image Rotator | CELUM (min. version) | |---------------|---------------------------| | 2.10.0 | 5.13.3 (tested with 6.8) | | 2.11.0 | 5.13.3 (tested with 6.11) | | 2.12.0 | 5.13.4 (tested with 6.11) | | Nova Plugin | CELUM (min. version) | Backend Plugin (min. version) | | ---------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | | 1.0.0-6.11.0 | 6.11.0 | 2.12.0 | 1.0.0-6.12.0 | 6.12.0 | 2.12.0 ## Release Notes #### 1.0.0 > Released 04.01.2019 Initial Version #### 1.1.0 > Released 11.01.2019 Various changes on GUI and refactoring #### 1.2.0 > Released 15.02.2019 - rotate through metadata manipulation - added a selection to choose the kind of rotation - added whitelist property to set imageformats for which rotation - various changes on GUI #### 2.0.0 > Released 15.02.2019 - big refactoring of the internal structure with bug fixes #### 2.1.0 > Released 07.03.2019 - new transform functionality - refactoring #### 2.2.0 > Released 18.03.2019 - minor refactoring #### 2.3.0 > Released 22.03.2019 - added AssetReleased Listener for jpegtran & imagemagick - added AssetVersionAdded Listener for jpegtran & imagemagick #### 2.4.0 > Released 27.03.2019 - autoRotate of images with EXIF Orientation 5 or 7 #### 2.5.0 > Released 05.04.2019 - added anti-clockwise rotation #### 2.6.0 > Released 05.04.2019 - added selection to choose upload format (new asset or new asset version) #### 2.7.0 > Released 08.04.2019 - upload to all direct parent node's if nodeIdToUpload is null #### 2.8.0 > Released 26.04.2019 - new calculation method of orientation number - refactoring #### 2.9.0 > Released 02.05.2019 - added validation check before rotate - added default settings #### 2.10.0 > Released 25.02.2021 - added license check - changed property jpegtran from required to not required #### 2.11.0 > Released 16.12.2021 - added video rotation - tool rotation only for png #### 2.12.0 > Released 20.01.2022 - Nova Plugin Backend